Questions tagged [repository]

A repository is the storage location of a package management or version control software. Consider adding tags for the particular software, e.g. apt, yum, git, svn.

A repository is a storage location. For package managers, it is the source of information about software available for installation. For source control software, it contains data about the history of a set of files.

322 questions
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Is it possible to keep the .hg directory in custom location

I want to have a Mercurial repository set, but instead of having the .hg/ directory under the repository tree, I would love to move it somewhere away (like to other partition) from working copy. Is it possible to do in such a way?
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How can I do daily backups for my VisualSVN Repos?

How can I do daily backups for my VisualSVN Repos? Its on a Windows Server 2003 machine with VisualSVN Server, I was thinking about just doing an xcopy of the folder C:\Repo but I'm not familiar enough with svn to know if that will cause…
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primary.sqlite.bz2 not found on private repo

I've been setting up a private repo for the company I'm working. At the beginning it was working properly, but today, when I'll try to install a new rpm that I've build I had this ugly error…
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Why do I get this APT warning: Signature by key [...] uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)?

I'm hosting a private Debian repository for some custom Raspberry Pi code. I originally built the software on Raspbian Jessie (version 8), generated a GPG key which I use to sign the repository, and ran sudo apt-key add ... on all the devices, to…
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3 answers

Create Debian repository with multiple packages verions

I need to create debian repository to keep our software packages, but the main point here is to allow multiple versions of software be keep in it to rollback if needed. reprepo is unable to do that, and it seems that debarchiver is also can't I can…
1 answer

Why do signed deb packages say they're not authenticated when copied to my private deb repo?

Quick Version I have set up a private deb repository and copied some signed deb packages into it. I have installed the signing key locally. However when I try to install from the repo I get this warning: WARNING: The following packages cannot be…
Hamish Downer
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When should one use EPEL 5 or EPEL 6?

I am not familiar with repos, and I don't get why there are several versions of EPEL (this is a bit philosophical I know, but I am afraid I am missing something in all that). Should I just look inside of them which one has the packages I want, with…
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.deb repository management software

I've been searching for an user friendly solution to manage a repository for some custom .deb packages we're using inside my company. I've briefly looked over the tools listed here, but they seem to me to be just bunch of scripts glued together to…
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6 answers

Can anybody tell me how to create my own local package repository for my packages in Ubuntu?

I want to create a package repository for my packages in ubuntu and this repository will be using in multiple Ubuntu systems to install and update packages.
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1 answer

Creating a local rpmforge/repoforge mirror?

I make good use of RPMforge for my production CentOS systems. I have local repositories for the main CentOS distribution and updates, however, recent automated kickstart installs are starting to hang on downloads from slower RPMforge mirrors. I've…
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Repositories for CentOS that don't suck?

I'm used to using ubuntu/debian repositories and they are great. I can apt-get just about any package and it'll be there. I have not found this on centos. I called my hosting company and they suggest I install atomic turtle since it's compatible…
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What tools are there to create and manage an apt repository?

I'm currently in charge of packaging for Ubuntu some software my company creates and creating an apt repository for it. However, I'm having trouble finding tools to create and manage the repository with. I know about Ubuntu PPAs, but we want to have…
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4 answers

Ubuntu add repo app-key fails

On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, I'm trying to install packages like MongoDB, Sublime Text 3 etc. but before adding them their repo url must be added. I'm trying this command: wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add…
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1 answer

Create a "controlled" APT proxy

Do you have any experience/scrips creating a controlled APT proxy (*)? Currently, I'm using apt-cacher to speed up installs/updates in my LAN, but as its name says, it's only a cache (and a good one for my needs). The only drawback is that I don't…
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6 answers

SVN limitations - Number of users and repositories?

I would like to know if SVN has a specified limitations of how many users and repositories it can sustain? Thank you.
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