Questions tagged [repository]

A repository is the storage location of a package management or version control software. Consider adding tags for the particular software, e.g. apt, yum, git, svn.

A repository is a storage location. For package managers, it is the source of information about software available for installation. For source control software, it contains data about the history of a set of files.

322 questions
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I can use my local apt repository as a local yum repository?

I'm a newbie in Linux. I have a local apt repository. I didn't want to set up a separate machine and http server for my rpm packages and occupy disk. I wonder if there is some way I can use my local apt repository as a local yum repository as well?…
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replace rpm with yum while rpm using replacepkgs flag

I use the following rpm syntax in order to install few rpm' syntax that exist under pkgs rpm -ivh --replacefiles --replacepkgs /home/pkgs/*.rpm unfortunately in case of rpm dependencies rpm failed , so we want to use yum in order to solve…
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cannot download repodata/repomd.xml

I'm training for my RHCE 8 EXAM, and I have to: Create a playbook with the name setupreposerver.yaml to set up the control host as a repository host. Make sure this host meets the following requirements, which must be done by the playbook: a. The…
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CentOS working with older repos

I often find with CentOS that I find a reference to a package on the internet and it the pages says "this package is available in the repo", so then I do sudo yum install (as I know that I have that repo) and it comes up blank. I see this dozens of…
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Client machine unable to connect to the local ftp repository server. Writes an error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo '***', ignoring this repo

Please help me to understand where I was wrong, because I've read a lot of articles also I've seen lot's of Youtube videos, but all the time in the end I've got the same error result. So, on my Server machine ( I've install from the…
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Ansible:Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'AppStream', ignoring this repo. Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'BaseOS', ignoring this repo

I'm new to Ansible, so any advice would be appreciated. I'm using ansible 2.9.10. First of all On my control node, I've created a playbook, in which I set up the control host as a repository host: the RHEL 8 installation ISO must be loop mounted on…
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at Kali Linux how to get the library of specific command of package

how can i know the required library for a specific package or a specific command For example : when i write apt-get install build-essentials i get a msg ( command not found or unable to locate ) so we download the library libc6-dev g++ by sudo…
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RHEL 8.1 how to install libssh2 1.9 and openssh 8.1 or higher

I need to upgrade my libssh2 and openssh to newer versions. Currently, I have libssh2 v1.8 and openssh v8.0 . To pass compliance, both need updated but these are the only versions showing up in yum/dnf. I read that the CodeReady repo would have…
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Unable to run dnf update, after adding packages-microsoft-com-prod

Problem I tried to install power shell core on a CentOS 8 sever. It didnt work so I tried a couple solutions from the web. It seems like I have added a repository twice. On dnf update I get this output: [codingsafari@centosbox ~]$ sudo dnf…
The Fool
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barman new version not installed by yum

as all know barman ( now have new version 2.2 I download barman RPM on my linux redhat machine I also installed the epel repo but when I download the rpm from some un-clear reason it download the previous version -…
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Visual SVN restore options

My windows server went haywire recently and I had to to an OS reinstallation, which resulted in losing my Visual SVN and all the repositories. (Don't remember the v-svn version I had) However, I have copied the "Repositories" folder to my local…
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Subversion access control for repo sub-folders

Platform/Versions: Windows Server 2008 R2 Std SP1 (64 bit) CollabNet Subversion Apache 2.2.23 (win32) CollabNet Subversion Client Svnserve V1.7.8 Authentication using SSPI (active directory) Users run Tortoise SVN Client V1.8.11 (64…
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CentOS dependency yum

Well, this is like hell for me. For the second time. Last time I give up and install apache+php on Windows. Now I decide to ask. A hour ago I install php54w in CentOS 6.7. To do that I add the following repo: rpm -Uvh…
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Installing a Newer Package than what's in RHEL's Repositories

What's the best way in RHEL to install a newer version of a package than what's in the repositories? In Ubuntu I can just add the repo for a newer version of Ubuntu, install the package with apt, and then disable the newer repo, but with RHEL and…
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migrate to centos vs. add centos repository

I have installed Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.2, and I don't want to buy its subscription, I want to use the centos's repository. I found an article that teach me how to migrate to centos 6 from rhel 6,,…
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