Questions tagged [deb]

deb is the extension of the Debian software package format and the most often used name for such binary packages.

Debian packages are standard Unix ar archives that include two tar archives optionally compressed with gzip (zlib), Bzip2, lzma, or xz (lzma2): one archive holds the control information and another contains the program data.

The accepted program for handling these packages is dpkg, most commonly via other programs such as apt/aptitude, the Ubuntu Software Center, Synaptic or Gdebi.

Debian packages can be converted into other packages and vice versa using alien, and created from source code using CheckInstall or Debian Package Maker.

Some core Debian packages are available as udebs (“micro debs”), and are typically used only for bootstrapping a Debian installation. Although these files use the udeb filename extension, they adhere to the same structure specification as ordinary deb files. However, unlike their deb counterparts, udeb packages contain only essential functional files. In particular, documentation files are normally omitted. udeb packages are not installable on a standard Debian system.

Reference from Wikipedia.

49 questions
4 answers

How do I see the changelog for a debian/ubuntu deb package?

I'm running Ubuntu and I have a deb file installed. I've made deb packages before, so I know there is a debian changelog (debchange). Is there anyway to see the debian changelog for any package that I have installed? Assume I don't have access to…
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apt: how to search using package tags?

Some (most?) packages in Debian, have tags. For example: =# apt-cache show squirrelmail | perl -lne 'print if /^Tag:/.../^\S/' Tag: implemented-in::php, interface::web, mail::imap, mail::smtp, mail::user-agent, network::server, protocol::http,…
2 answers

debian, diff, config default

I want to know if is posible to get the diff on the original versus the current config files of installed debian packages. If found an answers which shows up the modified config files, but I find no way to generate the diff. The command…
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"apt-get source" cannot find package but "apt-get install" and "apt-get cache" can find it

I'm trying to download the source of a package but when I run root@proxy:~# apt-get source squid3 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Can not find version '3.3.8-1.1' of package 'squid3' E:…
Garrett R
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Why does reprepro complain about the "all" architecture?

I started setting up a deb repository today for some of our applications. Given that they are interpreted scripts, I went with "all" architecture (from conf/distributions): Codename: lucid Architectures: all But reprepro will print a warning when I…
Oliver Salzburg
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Can reprepro accept a new version of a package into the repository?

I have installed a package into my own debian package repository like so: $ sudo reprepro -b /var/packages/ubuntu includedeb maverick my-package_0.8-0_all.deb my-package_0.8-0_all.deb: component guessed as 'main' Exporting indices... I have…
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3 answers

Compile a debian package for amd64 on a i386 machine?

I have a i386 ubuntu hardy machine, and an amd64 ubuntu hardy machine. I want to compile a debian package (a.k.a. deb) for the amd64 machine on the i386 (because I don't have enough memory to compile is quickly on the amd64 machine). If I do a…
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Linux's /etc/init.d - symlink, hard link, or actual file?

I have a Debian and an RPM package that requires a start/stop script to be added to the /etc/init.d directory. Recently, I was informed by a remote developer that "those in the know" know that "best practice" is to actually install the start up in…
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1 answer

Debian package creation: binary-arch and binary-indep targets

I'm trying to create my first deb so I don't know much about it yet. This is my 'rules' file at the moment: #!/usr/bin/make -f # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. export DH_VERBOSE=1 # This has to be exported to make some magic below…
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Why do signed deb packages say they're not authenticated when copied to my private deb repo?

Quick Version I have set up a private deb repository and copied some signed deb packages into it. I have installed the signing key locally. However when I try to install from the repo I get this warning: WARNING: The following packages cannot be…
Hamish Downer
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Preserve Linux Capabilities in Debian Package

I'm building a package containing a web service that needs to listen on port 443. The service itself is written in Go, so I can't use authbind to manage the port permissions. Instead, I've opted to use setcap: me@buildbox $ setcap…
1 answer

How can I install a third-party .deb package in an arbitrary base dir?

I have a .deb which politely installs itself in /opt. For my purposes I would prefer it acted like a first-class citizen and installed itself in the regular filesystem locations. Is there a way to do this? This is Ubuntu 10.04.4 update I have tried…
John Bachir
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DEB: "Provides:" field ignored

I need to replace a package with a custom one, which gets its own name (foo-origpackage). To allow it to be used as drop-in replacement, I added the Provides: origpackage line to the control file. apt-cache show foo-origpackage lists the "Provides"…
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1 answer

Building deb files for both Debian and Ubuntu

While the tools are the same, the sections and distribution names are notably different between Ubuntu & Debian (and presumably other Debian-based distros). For example, a Lua library's debian/control file for Debian might use Section:…
Miles Elam
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How to remove deprecated files from new version of package?

I'm building a new version of my own debian package, there is something was changed and some files now should be removed (for example old upstart scripts which shouldn't be executed more). I just removed those files from debian package and looks…
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