Questions tagged [repository]

A repository is the storage location of a package management or version control software. Consider adding tags for the particular software, e.g. apt, yum, git, svn.

A repository is a storage location. For package managers, it is the source of information about software available for installation. For source control software, it contains data about the history of a set of files.

322 questions
2 answers

MySQL Repository Key Expired

The MySQL repository key has suddenly expired again, so I get a GPG error in Ubuntu when running apt-get update The error is W: GPG error: xenial InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: KEYEXPIRED…
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git vs Subversion - pros and cons

I have been a user of SVN for many years now and I can't say I am totally happy about it. Few days ago my partner asked me to take a look at git saying that "it has better performance, easier merging and branching." I've been reading some git vs.…
Adam Benayoun
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3 answers

How to install package with yum without updating repository information?

I want to install some packages from repository but always when I'm trying to yum install packagename yum updates db: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, presto, refresh-packagekit Determining fastest mirrors updates/metalink …
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4 answers

Enabling apt-get on a default Amazon EC2 instance which has yum installed

I'd like to call something like: sudo yum install apt to enable me to use apt-get as well as yum for installation. However this doesn't work. I get the following back: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, priorities, security, update-motd Loading mirror…
Gaurav Sharma
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0 answers

Recovering from a borked reprepro pull

We distribute our software via custom debian apt repositories we create with reprepro. (Disclaimer: I'm not the release engineer who set this up; he's no longer with us.) We have four repos: unstable --> lab --> alpha --> prod We have done a…
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recreating svn repository

after a major server fault, svn repository was destroyed and my working version is most current one, what is the way to recreate svn repository from my working version? after installing svn on a new server and trying at my working copy svn switch…
Pavel K.
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5 answers

How do I install the main repositories for RHEL6

We've setup RHEL6 on a new server. As far as we can tell, our subscription is all setup properly. However, when I run yum repolist, it doesn't show any repositories. /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo is empty. I tried pasting in the content from another…
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4 answers

Freeing up space in my SVN repository

I have an SVN repository hosted on a freemium site with a maximum repository size. As I approach this capacity I am aware of files I've checked in that I know I can remove permanently to free up disk space. How do I tell SVN that a file can not only…
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3 answers

yum update, how to make rpm package updateable

need a link or tutorial on how to make an rpm package work with yum UPDATE. i have it and already works with yum INSTALL and yum ERASE, but is there somewhere info on how to make rpm package work when using yum UPDATE (what code to add, in what…
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2 answers

Is it possible to search an apt repository via a web browser?

I've installed the beta version of Ubuntu 10.04 server edition (x64), but the system doesn't have an internet connection. Is there a way I can find out what packages are in the apt repository with nothing more than a web browser? The reason I'm…
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Installing yum packages on airgapped (offline) CentOS 6 system

I have a CentOS 6 system which, for security reasons, is airgapped. It may have never been connected to the internet, and if it has, it hasn't been updated in a long time. I want to put all the .rpm packages on a drive so that they can be installed…
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3 answers

How can I version control a mirrored upstream repository?

I manage many servers that span multiple environments (dev, qa, staging, and production). To help manage these, we have multiple repositories on a local webserver for our applications (e.g. app_1_el6, app_2_el7, etc.). We also mirror several…
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3 answers

Yum repo priorities and conflicts

On my CentOS 6.4 server, I am running MySQL 5.5.33 that I installed from the remi repository. I decided to upgrade MySQL to 5.6.x via MySQL's own yum…
Jake Wilson
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1 answer

How to maintain PCI compliance on a LAMP server when repositories don't keep up with versions

We run Ubuntu Lucid 10.0.4 as the foundation of our LAMP environment. We are trying to become PCI compliant so that we can pass CC info through our server. We have run some third-party scans on our servers to begin the certification process and have…
Jared Green
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2 answers

Gitolite clone not working as intended

I am running a Debian system, and have recently installed gitolite using the DEB package. Here is my problem: I have tried to clone the gitolite-admin.git repository (which is used for configuring the gitolite installation for all repositories that…
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