Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
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How can to make iisreset remotely?

how can I make iisreset remotely to a server that exist in another domain .. i have the admin credentials for this server ..
Amr Badawy
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Remote Backups of my dedicated server

I'm hosting with ThePlanet and while I love their services, their backup services are a bit pricey. To backup my whole server (incrementally) would cost $50/mo on top of my server fee (around $120). I want to host all of my sites there on the same…
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How Can I Connect to remote sql server?

I have a desktop application(Developed in c#) which will use SQL SERVER database. The database is on remote Database Server. I need to connect to that database on this database server and some transaction with this database. I have the internet…
Sisir Fota
6 answers

Remote desktop to a computer not on the network

I have a secure laptop that, for various reasons, is not allowed to be connected to a network. I need to remotely control that laptop from a desktop computer and be able to send files to it. The two computers are in physical proximity, so I…
Fred Thomas
3 answers

Connecting SVN from Remote Server

I have hosted my repository in assebbla & it works fine. now I want to write a script that can automate the build process : 1. Take the code from assembla repository 2. Make a dump and copy it onto my web server. what I have researched from net…
1 answer

Git: can I store known repository in the repository?

I am setting up a Git repository. I know you can add repositories using git config --global, but is there a way that those known repositories gets cloned by users? For example, I add git://X/mobility.git as X to the repo (somehow), a user clone it…
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What could I leave running on a linux server locally when all access is remote?

I'va remote linux debian server that 99.9% of the time I access via ssh remotely. However I was aware that the local terminal is sitting there with a logon prompt. Is there anything I could change this to, or log in and run locally and safely leave…
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Remote desktop is slow when connecting to a computer which is part of a domain

We have two windows 2003 machines, one is a DC and another is joined to the domain of the DC. These machines are not locally available to us so we have to remote desktop into them. When we first got the machines remote desktop was blazing as the…
1 answer

What's the best way to remotely admin MS ADAM?

I am setting up a new MS ADAM instance on a Win 2003 server. I want to be able to manager users and groups from my own Win Xp/7 workstations. What's the best tool for doing this? Is there a way to get just the ADAM ADSIEdit tool on my PC? Thanks!
2 answers

What's a good public access terminal solution using old PCs and remote VMs?

Has anyone had experience using VMs as remote desktops for public access terminals (e.g. an internet cafe) In our case we don't want to charge money for access but I figure this solution has a few advantages, such as: can easily re-build VMs daily,…
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Running Mathematica-5 remotely

I have Mathematica 5 - a powerful CAS. I have a cheap netbook (running Windows XP), wich not only is too slow to run mathmatica on, I doubt it has the harddrive space. I do however have remote access to a number of very powerful computers, (most of…
4 answers

Remote desktop to a VM that is on ESXi v4.0

I can't seem to get a remote session started from my pc to a Windows 2003 server vm that is residing on a VMware ESXi server. I can connect with the VMware client software and I can remote out of the Windows server to another server but not into the…
Joe Teicheira
0 answers

How to install google-chrome as non-root user on a remote server?

In order to use google-chrome for selenium-testing purposes (to be run headless of course) I want to install this on a remote server where I do not have root access. This server does not even have dpkg installed and uses spack as the package…
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Powershell Remote Connection to Active Directory

I am trying to connect to a remote server via Active Directory Cmdlets like "Get-ADGroup -Server xx.xx.xx.xx" (Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll). The connection can't be established although the ports 9389 (ADWS) and 636 (LDAP) are…
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VPS for Remote Web Development - best practice?

Disclaimer: I am still fairly an IT newbie and have been doing self-studies around web development. I decided to take the path of remote development. After some research, I came up with this configuration: remote: VPS (provided by an ISP) with a…
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