Questions tagged [incremental-backup]

134 questions
3 answers

How to perform incremental / continuous backups of zfs pool?

How can zfs pools be continuously/incrementally backed up offsite? I recognise the send/receive over ssh is one method however that involves having to manage snapshots manually. There are some tools I have found however most are no longer…
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Duplicity Full Backup Lifetime and Efficiency

I'm trying to work up a backup strategy for some clients, and am leaning towards duplicity for remote backup (already use rdiff-backup for internal/on location backups). Is it reasonable to want a full backup every so often? Since duplicity…
Tim Lytle
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5 answers

btrfs-enabled backup solution

With btrfs hitting production in Oracle EL 14th this month (together with working fsck and scrubbing from Linux 3.2) I was thinking of redesigning my current backup solution to utilise it. Note that I'm thinking about doing it for small amounts of…
Hubert Kario
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How can I restore a duplicity backup from a certain date?

Is it possible to restore a duplicity backup from a certain time in the past? For example, if I'm making daily incremental backups, is there a way to restore a backup from three days ago?
7 answers

How to provide proper backups for multiple Linux based servers?

There have been several questions related to providing backups, but most of them were either too specific, intended for home usage or Windows-based. What I'd like to hear: How do you ensure that all of your Linux servers are properly backed up? How…
Aron Rotteveel
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Incremental backups of Virtual Machines

We currently run a bunch of physical machines. For backups, we've been using dirvish, which is essentially a wrapper around rsync, and doing them incrementally. We're currently pushing a new machine into production, which is going to run a whole…
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Creating a *Consistent* *Online* MySQL Backup with InnoDB AND MyISAM tables

I just spent hours building a new database server to replace 2 failed servers from a mysqldump file created a month ago, then used my server's bin-logs to bring that mysqldump up to date. Now that I have this new database server online, and have…
3 answers

What program to use for incremental backup of large single file

I'm looking for a program to make incremental backups of one large file (3GB) on windows systems over internet. Any idea? Thanks!
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What backup tool should I use for easy incremental backups?

Possible Duplicate: How to provide proper backups for multiple Linux based servers? I want to do nightly backups of the whole system and be able to rollback to any of last 7 days. And, it must be incremental backups. What tool should I use? The…
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0 answers

Efficiently get file deltas for backups

With many large Xen sparse image files that have to be backed up, I'm looking for a way to do this efficiently both in terms of disk space (saving space with a differential tool like duplicity, bup, rsync, womble's lvmsync, etc.) and disk/network…
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3 answers

Robocopy /xd with wildcards and sub-paths

I don't think this exact question has been asked before (I looked). My backup server runs a script using Robocopy, and I want to exclude files that don't really need to be backed up, specifically: *\AppData\Local\Google…
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How to minimize bandwidth in frequent postgres backup scenario?

I'm looking to make very frequent backup (every hour) of postgres data on several VMs (say 20-50) towards the same archive server. Here are more data if needed: Ideally, the system should support the load of 80 to 200 databases located on all VMs.…
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1 answer

Do different rsnapshot retains use the same hard links?

Say I have a weekly and monthly backup configured in rsnapshot. Will the weekly backups create hard links to the same files created by a previous monthly backup (and vice versa)?
Fela Maslen
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3 answers

tar incremental backup is backing everything up, every time when used on the Dropbox directory

I made an incremental backup about 10 months ago (on Jan 27, 2013), creating a .snar metadata file. Now, when I try to make an incremental backup using tar --create --file=dropbox_incremental_1.tar --listed-incremental=dropbox_0.snar Dropbox the…
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easy way to restore incremental rsync backup?

I have incremental rsync backups of a folder, created with: rsync --delete -a -v --backup --backup-dir="../backup_`date +%Y-%m-%d`" /orig /backups/dest so I have a copy of current /orig on /backups/dest and modified files on…
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