Questions tagged [remote]

"Remote" - the term could refer to resources, access, control, user, presence, etc.

"Remote" could refer to either the network resource availability (e.g. "the user can interrogate the information remotely"), the user access to a network resource (as in "server access authorization through a Remote Desktop Connection/Protocol"), or even the location of the user related to the network accessed ("A Teleworker is allowed to connect remotely on 2 days per week through VPN/Remote Access, if there is a home office space available and all the conditions are met to allow the worker to perform the expected duties remotely").

613 questions
3 answers

Remote Desktop on the same network

I have a main server set up and staff that use laptops to come into the office and work. We have currently moved everything over onto a server setup in the office that the staff can all remote desktop onto and work on their work. The problem I am…
3 answers

Windows 2k3 and RDP issue over Internet issue (RDP works locally)

I was asked to take a look at a family members' friends' Win2k3 server - Remote Desktop was no longer working, and they were trying to figure out why. This server is running Win2k3 SP2. I determined that the License services were having some issues…
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LUKS Automatic unlock of with key file on remote ubuntu server

Is there a way to automatically unlock a LUKS drive at boot time with the key-file being stored on a remote machine. The idea is to make sure servers may restart without any user input. Servers are on a public cloud and I can't encrypt the root…
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1 answer

WinRM-Service is running but can't be reached

I have a virtual testing environment for developing scripts. As .NET isn't capable of all the possibilities PowerShell offers I use Remote PowerShell Runspaces. My problem is now, that I can't reach the WinRM-Service on the FileShare-Memberserver,…
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How do i reference redirected host drives in a remote desktop session

When I remote desktop into a server, for example, local drives and mapped network drives from my host computer appear as ON . I can access these drives using Windows Explorer, but I also need to refer to them from a command window (cmd.exe). For…
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5 answers

Executing script remotely with "curl | bash" feedback

I'm working on a platform that uses a lot such commands: ssh 'curl http://some_server/ | bash' This is really clean and handy to execute scripts remotely, however, I don't see anyway to get the output/exit code of the…
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3 answers

Powershell: Execute exe on remote server and capture output

I am trying to script the execution of an installer on remote web servers. The installer in question is also a Windows Service that hosts NServiceBus. If RDP'd into the server, the application is installed by the following command: …
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start exe in a Remote Session with PsExec

I would like to start an application remotely. I am using the following PsExec command: PsExec \\computerOne -u Domain\User1 -p 123456 -x "C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe" I tried to use -i so that the program interacts with the desktop: PsExec…
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6 answers

Possibilities of connecting to linux box console without network

Having to manage a couple of remote dedicated servers, working with network related stuff can be quite stressful. Is there any possible way I could connect to those boxes (possibly via third box) and not have to depend on their networking…
Karolis T.
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4 answers

How would you remotely install software on multiple Windows XP machines?

I need to install the standalone google talk client for Windows XP. I have the googletalk-setup.exe. How would you go about installing this on 100+ Windows XP systems? Is there an automated way you would do it? I found this info that mentions…
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7 answers

Remote Desktop Problems

I rebooted our 2k3 server box, and it looks like its hanging for some reason and I can't connect via terminal services to investigate. Any suggestions to resolve this issue? Update Working on vpn - server is a stand alone sql server - no domain -…
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9 answers

Remote reinstall of linux over ssh

I have a small linux server that I need to reinstall linux on (Debian stable 64 bit x86). I have physical access to the machine but it doesn't have any external devices such as a cdrom and does not appear to be able to boot from a network or USB…
John Burton
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6 answers

Website responds very slow using remote database

I want two same websites to share one database. One server is in Asia, hosting a website and the database. Another server is in the US, hosting the same web via remote database. However, the web in the US responds very slow but when moving the…
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4 answers

Backup and disaster recovery debian lenny on remote server

I am new to Linux so I apologize if the questions are stupid. I have a Debian lenny web server complete with MySQL, dovecot, Postfix Apache, PHP5, etc. It runs on a server in a datacenter so I have no physical access to the server. If disaster…
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1 answer

Core PowerShell commands missing when remoting into Exchange 2016 configuration

I'm running into an issue where simple commands (Get-Module, for example) are not present when remoting into an Exchange 2016 server. The command I'm running is: Invoke-Command -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri…
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