Questions tagged [redmine]

Redmine is a flexible project management web application. Written using Ruby on Rails framework, it is cross-platform and cross-database.

Redmine Features

Below are some of the main features of Redmine:

  • Multiple projects support
  • Flexible role based access control
  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • Gantt chart and calendar
  • News, documents & files management
  • Feeds & email notifications
  • Per project wiki
  • Per project forums
  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
  • Issue creation via email
  • Multiple LDAP authentication support
  • User self-registration support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
192 questions
2 answers

Redmine in IronRuby

I'd like to move my redmine installation to a Windows server. Since we're mostly a .NET shop it would be much easier for us if we could run redmine on IronRuby. Has anybody tried this? What do I need to do to make it work? Update Just found this…
Marnix van Valen
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2 answers

Is there a Trac or Redmine host that allows you to install plugins?

Google tells me that there are a fair few companies that offer hosted Trac and Redmine. So far I have tried Assembla who provide Trac hosting for free, but they don't allow plugins. I am prepared to pay for a managed solution, but we need it to have…
Nick Bolton
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2 answers

Setting Redmine path

How can I set the path on which Redmine should be run, e.g. instead of There is an appropriately named option in the settings panel, but it serves a different purpose, according to the documentation and…
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1 answer

How do I point one virtual host to another instance of apache running at another port on the same box?

I've got two apache2 instances running on my box. One came with a bitnami redmine stack which sole purpose is to host Redmine at host:8080/redmine. The other apache instance is running with php and such and is where I specify all the VHosts for my…
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1 answer

Certificate problem when trying to browse Subversion from Redmine

I'm trying to set up Subversion repository browsing through Redmine. I'm running into certificate problems when I try to access the repository tab. I'm using VisualSVN on a Windows 2003 server. In the server log file (production.log), I see: No…
David Hodgson
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2 answers

How can I migrate my Redmine deployment from MySQL 5 to PostgeSQL 8.2?

I have full access to both databases, but clearly a MySQL dump file isn't going to import cleanly into Postgres. Are there any good step-by-steps for migrating from MySQL to Postgres?
Chris R
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1 answer

How to set up a cron job to send reminder e-mails in official Redmine Docker image?

In a Redmine container based on an official image on Docker Hub, I am trying to set up a cron job to send reminder e-mails periodically. As instructed here, typing bundle exec rake redmine:send_reminders RAILS_ENV=production as root inside the…
0 answers

Error when starting redmine on Ubuntu

I've a Ubuntu server with redmine installed. I don't know the details because another guy installed everything and he doesn't work with us anymore. We performed a reboot of the server for maintenance, and after this redmine does not start anymore.…
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1 answer

Backing up Redmine w/SQLITE on 2003 Server?

I don't have any attachments or plugins, do I just need to backup the .db and config files? I'm about to migrate to new hardware and don't want to lose my Redmine stuff.
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0 answers

Does not work nginx htaccess for special page in redmine

i have system of management of projects redmine. Also, i have nginx, like reverse proxy for redmine. So, i need to block some page in redmine, for users. In redmine.conf, i did: location /projects/wwe/dmsf { auth_basic "Test4"; …
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1 answer

EasyRedmine rake redmine:email:receive_imap doesn't work

I'm trying to use redmine:email:recive_imap rake task on my company's Easyredmine Server to fetch emails from our server mail's adress, but when I launch the command: rake redmine:email:receive_imap RAILS_ENV="production" host=mail.mycompany…
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2 answers

Access windows 7 guest http port from linux host with virtualbox (using redmine and rails)

I've just installed redmine on a Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 running on VirtualBox 5.2.12 r122571 I disabled windows firewall. The host and the guest can ping each other. I start redmine using webrick: bundle exec rails server webrick -e…
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3 answers

OpenLdap Configuration Issue

For the last few days I've been desperately reading official/user made guides in order to properly configure my openldap to allow users to login to a project management webapp (namely Redmine). With that said, please let me share the basic setup of…
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1 answer

Redmine with Apache: 403 Forbidden

I was working on installing and running Redmine on the Ubuntu server. I'm trying to run Redmine on Apache, so I went to the etc/apache2/sites-available and created a file called sites.conf. ServerName …
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0 answers

MySQL server failing in install on Amazon Linux machine due to missing systemd

I'm currently trying to install Redmine on a machine running the latest Amazon Linux. One of the first steps I'm told to do is to install MySQL server using the command sudo yum install mysql-server. However when I run this I am getting the…
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