Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is an open source, highly-scalable key-value store, commonly referred to as a "NoSQL database."

431 questions
3 answers

Redis installation on centos 6.5

I am trying to install Redis on centos 6.5 (x64) with following line: yum install redis But I am getting following screen: [root@NodeJs ~]# yum install redis Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds from cached…
Tolgay Toklar
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How to handle Redis raising memory fragmentation?

I have a Redis 3.0.5 instance that tend to show growing mem_fragmentation_ratio over time. The application using that instance is constantly creating and deleting keys. After one month, I end up with a mem_fragmentation_ratio > 1.30. This impacts…
Olivier Dauby
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How to troubleshoot redis high CPU usage? And how to limit Redis CPU usage?

We have inherited a system in which there is a central server for queuing operations. Redis is chosen as queuing agent. Once in a while (like each 2-3 days) redis service CPU usage goes even upper than 100%. I tried to read the log to find the…
Saeed Neamati
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1 answer

Redis Multi-Master Replication

Scenario: We have two datacentres which run concurrently (both serve traffic). Each has it's own entire stack of infrastructure, so it can operate without the other being up. That said, we would like, when network conditions allow for it, for our…
2 answers

upgrading from Redis 2.8.19 to 3.0.1

I currently have installed Redis 2.8.19 but I'm looking to upgrade to the latest stable release 3.0.1. Originally I downloaded, uncompressed, and compiled 2.8.9. What is the recommended approach to upgrade from 2.8.19 to 3.0.1 if you have…
4 answers

Why does redis report limit of 1024 files even after update to limits.conf?

I see this error at the top of my redis.log file: Current maximum open files is 1024. maxclients has been reduced to 4064 to compensate for low ulimit. I have followed these steps to the letter (and rebooted): Moreover, I see this when I run…
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How do I load the dump.rdb file into redis?

I have a dump.rdb file, which is in the same directory as redis.config. When I start my sever: redis-server ./redis.config It does not load the data in that 1 GB file. How do I load that data?
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How can I block port 6379 for outside traffic on ubuntu?

I want to block access to port 6379 on my server, but I still want to connect to it internally. The redis-server application runs on that port and I want to connect to it only locally ( How can I do this?
Steve Rodrigue
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2 answers

Troubleshooting a Redis Stall

We have several redis instances running on a server. There are also multiple web tier servers connecting to those instance that experience a stall at the same time. We had packet captures going at the time, that identified that there wall a stall…
Kyle Brandt
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2 answers

Redis high availability and load balancing

I'm using Redis for some time and now we want to move to a redundant cluster which would be fault tolerant, highly available and load balanced. I principally use Redis for some PHP web application which stores some process status information (I'm…
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1 answer

How can I generate a command for start-stop-daemon that will kill the process if it doesn't term during a timeout period?

I need to run a start-stop-daemon for a redis instance and I want it to send a SIGTERM and if the redis instance doesn't quit i would like it to force a quit. The start-stop-daemon configuration says that the --retry option can be used for that but…
4 answers

Redis won't shutdown

Most of the time when I reboot my Ubunutu server, I get "Waiting for Redis to shutdown…" over and over and it never stops until I force reboot. What could cause this? I have monitoring that resque stays running, so it could be…
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3 answers

Cannot connect to Redis installed on VirtualBox running Ubuntu from Windows 7

I've setup an Ubuntu image on VirtualBox on a Windows 7 host. On the Ubuntu guest I've installed Redis which runs on port 6379 (TCP) by default. I've setup port forwarding using the VirtualBox GUI for SSH and verified that by connecting to…
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3 answers

How do I configure another instance of redis on ubuntu?

I basically want to have 2 instances of redis on Ubuntu. I looked at /etc/init.d/redis-server script and tried to create a new one (redis-server-dev) pointing to another config file (new port etc) but it didn't seem to work. What is the correct…
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1 answer

How can you link nodes in a redis cluster via hostname instead of ip?

Redis cluster requires that all nodes can see each other to chatter; to accommodate some trivial situations (eg. docker with all nodes publicly exposed) some additional config options are available: cluster-announce-ip cluster-announce-port…
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