Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is an open source, highly-scalable key-value store, commonly referred to as a "NoSQL database."

431 questions
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Redis specific protocol

I was reading the redis documentation: And I come across this line "External programs talk to Redis using a TCP socket and a Redis specific protocol." TCP is the actual protocol it says it is using to talk to…
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What type of amazon ec2 instance should i take ? And how many of them?

I will be hosting a website . Our initial target will be around 50,000 unique visitors a day . Files are served using apache/php and the realtime events (likes,comments) are handled using a nodejs server . Also i am using redis as key-value store…
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Booting the server redis no errors

The redis but usually begins with the following errors: tyler @ tyler-vortex: ~ / pens $. / src / redis-server [3690] Dec 01 10:56:05 # Warning: the specified config file, using the default config. In order to Specify a config file use 'redis-server…
3 answers

Redis Server: RAM

I am needing to set up a Redis server, how much RAM do I need to allow for the server?
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Cannot get redis 5 to run with systemctl

Installed Redis 5 (have Redis 3 working on server) Modified various configurations in /etc/opt/rh/rh-redis5/redis.conf as necessary including setting supervised to "systemd" and setting daemonize to no. (I also tried "auto" for supervised with no…
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Best practices for audio streaming

What are the best practices for reasonably-performant audio streaming user uploaded content on a website? I understand just putting MP3 in a SQL-like database is a bad idea. There are ways to just upload those files to a directory but that might not…
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MUltiple App Instances To One Remote Redis Server

I need to setup 4 locations / servers that all run one instance of an app. Traffic will be fed through a load balancer and directed to the closest node depending on location. The problem I am running into is Redis. Each node cannot cannot run its…
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Freshly installed redis not responding?

I had to install a very old redis-server on a very old Ubuntu server and used the package manager for it. However, after installing and starting the server, I do not get any response but timeouts. redis-cli ping: Timeout The log only shows…
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How to stop every incoming traffic except from 1 ip, on an ubuntu server

I have 1 server that runs Redis on port 7632. I want to block all incoming traffic to that server, for this port, except from my web server and from localhost. My web server ip is, for this example, Can anyone tell me how I can do this…
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Bjoern is 4x faster than Nginx - how to tweak Nginx to handle Bjoern proxy_requests without performance loss?

I was trying to put Bjoern behind Nginx for easy load-balancing and DoS/DDoS attack mitigation. To my dismay I not only discovered that it drops connections like chips (it varies between 20% and 50% of total connections), but it seems actually…
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Mongodb/Redis setup

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my capacity planning? I am contemplating purchasing/setting up a 16gb server which will contain 2 5gb instances of mongodb (multi drive replica/shard sets with remote backup with slave reads ok), a 4gb…
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