Questions tagged [qnap]

QNap is a manufacturer of NAS appliances.

98 questions
2 answers

Hyper-V Cluster on SAN + SSD Local Storage

I wanted to know if there are any methods that anyone has done with the following: All of my servers on the hyper-v cluster are stored on the SANS. I have a desire to have the speed of SSD on two of these guest servers, and I have a local blank SSD…
2 answers

QNAP Expanding Storage Pool - What data will be erased?

I have Three drives plugged into my QNAP and assigned to Storage Pool 1 I added a fourth hardd rive into my QNAP and I want to add it to Storage Pool 1. I opened the Storage Manager. I opened the Storage Pools Menu. I clicked on Expanding Pool. I…
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Unable to connect QNAP NAS ldap to Domino server

We've just bought a QNAP 419 NAS to the office and for simplicity I'd like to authenticate using LDAP from our Domino server. qnap ldap auth demands the following settings: Base DN Root DN password User base DN Group base DN Our Domino server…
1 answer

File Upload page coming up it is not showing the mounted folders

I'm using ubuntu 12 desktop and also we have QNAP NAS share in our network , I can mount the folder and see the files but I can't see the folder when we try to upload files onto any Internet site, it seems the File Upload dialogue is not showing the…
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CRC Checksum missmatch transfering large files to NAS

I'm having a problem transfering large (50-200GB) VHD files from a Windows Server 2008R2 machine to a QNAP NAS. After the transfer is completed, I verify the data using a CRC32 checksum to ensure it wasn't corrupted (these are important backups). …
0 answers

Win2012 R2 Server hanging after iSCSI install

Issue: Server was experiencing hanging issues after 7 hours of uptime. Server had no issues prior to addition of iSCSI. ?Temporarily? Resolved by reboot. iSCSI Device: QNAP TS-1263XU-4G-US 2U with 2x 1TB SSDs in Raid 1 configuration. No…
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Unexplainable high load average on a QNAP NAS

we have two QNAP TS-1635 NASes (one per location), running at identical configuration and firmware versions. However, one of them has ever higher and higher load averages and actually needs to be restarted every week once load averages get too high…
2 answers

Robocopy Error 50 Accessing Destination Directory (Request is not supported)

I have setup a robocopy script that runs on a daily basis and synchronises data from a specific folder on a Windows Server 2016 storage server to a SMB share on a QNAP NAS. The Windows Server is domain authenticated, while the QNAP uses a standalone…
James White
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National characters in Open Tomato router and QNAP NAS shell

I added my Country locale (pl_PL) to shell in Open Tomato based router Asus and QNAP NAS. Originally only en_US and en_EN locale where available. Now it is possible to use it for example in vim-full editor, installed from Entware-ng. So now both on…
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Alternative to NETMAP option on iptables config

I need to nat an entire subnet from one range to another when connecting to openvpn server(Qnap nas). I found a way that works using iptables netmap. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j NETMAP --to The problem is that…
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1 answer

QNAP authenticating WebDAV over OpenLDAP works, but syslog on ldap server is flooded

We have a QNAP QTS TS-451U version, we have an openLDAP server running version v. 2.4.40 (on Debian 8 server). I can log in to the web interface with my LDAP user, and I can connect to the NAS using WebDAV (from windows, linux and mac),…
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QNAP rsync delate files on server

I have approx. 20k photos on my PC, divided into several subdir. I use RSYNC to backup it to QNAP NAS with RSYNC server running on it (taken from Entware-NG). My command running on PC to RSYNC photos from PC to QNAP looks like this: rsync --delete…
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2 answers

Confused about rsync, port 873 and NAS

I am trying to set up a backup from my NAS (QNAP TS-469 Pro) to my PC running Ubuntu 16.10, using the "Backup Station" offered by the NAS. If I ssh to the NAS and run the following commands, the rsync works: touch file.txt …
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1 answer

Cannot access files from full RAID5 drives

We have a QNAP NAS (TS-869L with firmware 4.2.2, if relevant) where we backup our data. Last night it completely filled up the drives that are in RAID 5 (ext4). Now I can cd into the directory but I can't ls or rm any files: doing so hangs the…
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Can't access folders created by rsync on qnap server

I'm trying to use RSync to backup my files to my QNap Turbo Nas. I have activated the rsync service and created a private shared folder named "RSync". On my Windows machine I mapped a network drive to that share (Y:). I created a folder on that…