I have approx. 20k photos on my PC, divided into several subdir. I use RSYNC to backup it to QNAP NAS with RSYNC server running on it (taken from Entware-NG). My command running on PC to RSYNC photos from PC to QNAP looks like this:

rsync --delete --password-file /home/maciek/Pobrane/pass-1 -vratx --max-size=2.99G --exclude-from=/home/maciek/Pobrane/pomin.txt --delete-after --force --one-file-system --safe-links --progress /home/maciek/Obrazy/ media@media::Zdjecia

It work nice but there is one problem. QNAP creates by itself thumbnail images and place it into subdir named .@__thumb in each photo dir. After running command above, all .@__thumb subdirs and its content are removed from server. So after that QNAP rebuild it again. It is noisy and long process. My question is. How to modify the command above, so that the directories .@__thumb were not removed ?

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1 Answers1


DONE. It is necessary to add in command option:

--filter='-p .@__thumb'

Thats all

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