Questions tagged [powerdns]

PowerDNS is a DNS server developed by PowerDNS.COM BV, and known for its variety of backends.

PowerDNS is a DNS server, designed and running on most UNIX operating systems. It allows dynamic DNS changes through several backends, therefore making DNS zones edition easier than the basic BIND configuration scheme. PowerDNS 3.0 includes a DNSSEC support.


In its basic configuration, PowerDNS (shortened "pdns" in a technical environment) runs with 2 components:

  • A core server, pdns_server, handling DNS-related operations.
  • Loadable backends running as independent threads, handling data storage and organisation.

At the moment, the documentation refers to the following backends:

  • The random backend: silly little backend for demonstration and testing. Generates a random IP address for a given domain name.
  • Pipe backend: the core server handles communication and gets its data from a third-party program, used as the backend. This setup allows the system administrator to use the possibilities of UNIX pipes, and build more complex DNS queries handling processes.
  • MySQL/pgSQL backend: the core server gets its data from a MySQL or pgSQL database, which has to follow a given structure.
  • Oracle backend: same behaviour as above, with some Oracle specifics.
  • SQLite: same behaviour as above, with some SQLite specifics.
  • IBM DB2: same behaviour as above, with some IBM DB2 specifics.
  • OpenDBX backend: same behaviour as above. The module is independent.
  • Bind backend: allows PowerDNS to work as an intermediate process between the client and Bind zone files.
  • ODBC backend (windows only): allows PowerDNS to get information from any source of which it has the correct ODBC driver for.
  • LDAP backend (unmaintained and declared unstable): allows PowerDNS to store its data in a lightweight directory.
  • Geo backend: allows PowerDNS to handle DNS requests on an IP/country basis, using a GeoIP-like database.
  • Lua backend: allows PowerDNS to resolve queries using a Lua script.
  • TinyDNS (recent and experimental): allows PowerDNS to store data in a CDB file.
  • Remote backend: allows PowerDNS to use sockets, pipe and other network components to resolve its DNS queries.

Note: backends are usually referred to as modules, meaning anyone can develop his own DNS queries handler.

The PowerDNS recursor

The recursor is an additional component for a PowerDNS server. The core server can be configured to proxy requests to the recursor, acting as a DNS resolver. It allows the use of caches, recursing and resolving. Running the recursor on its own is therefore more efficient than running it behind the authoritative pdns_server. The pdns_recursor is known to run on several broadband providers infrastructures, as it can handle numerous requests through a multi-threaded behaviour (MTasker library homepage).

131 questions
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PowerDNS Authoritative and Recursor together on one host

Is it possible to run a PowerDNS Authoritative Server and PowerDNS Recursor on the same host? Or do i need to make a specific host for Authoritative and a specific host for being a Recursor.
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PowerDNS - SOA serial mismatch on slaves

I am using PowerDNS with the PostgreSQL backend on three different servers, in native mode, all replication is done at the PostgreSQL backend. No server is set as master, pdns.conf is almost in default settings. When I create a new zone using the…
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PowerDNS - Glue record returns servfail

So I've been in the process of setting up a PDNS Recursive and Authoritative server for an internal network. The recursive server runs on port 53 and the authoritative runs on 5300. Requests are forwarded using the…
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PowerDNS Not Answering Reverse Lookup Queries

I have PowerDNS Authoritative & Recursor running on a server in my environment. When I use this node as my a DNS Server, it responds to A record queries without any issues. However, when I attempt to perform a reverse lookup it fails. Any idea why?…
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Multiple PowerDNS servers answer with different TTLs

This is just a question, not sure if its expected or a real problem. We have four PowerDNS servers (shared backend is a mysql galera cluster) behind a dnsdist loadbalancer. When making queries against the dnsdist instance sometimes we get different…
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which TLD for forwarding nameserver?

I want to setup 2 forwarding name servers with powerdns for customer sites. My question is if it matters the domain under which the name servers will be registered. Godaddy panel - for what I recall - has a check box that declares the domain as a…
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How does hostname resolution work without hosts file?

The company I work at has a lot of local server accessible via hostname (ABCSRVDC01 for example). To connect to one of them over SSH I don't need to use the ip address of the server, but instead use the hostname. Me knowing what hostnames are, goes…
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configure master and slave with powerdns version 4.2

Short description I'm running two machines with PowerDNS, one being the master (SQL) and one being the slave (SQL). The problem is, that every domain added on master NS is not added on slave dns server Environment Operating system: CentOS7 Software…
Sami Joomla
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pdns - using LUA records

Id very much like to do this but it doesn't seem to be enabled on my installation. # rpm -qa | grep pdns pdns-4.1.5-1pdns.el7.x86_64 pdns-recursor-4.1.7-1pdns.el7.x86_64 Ive tried both iterations in pdns.conf (enable-lua-record and…
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pdnsutil - preventing duplicate DNS record creation

If you use pdnsutil add-record it permits duplicate dns entries to be created. Is there some way to prevent this?
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pdns (powerdns) not returning records anymore after switching db backends

I switched db backends from gmysql to gpgsql and copied the records from the mysql database to the postgresql db. dig +short @my_dns_server_ip used to return the desired result but it does not anymore. I upgraded to powerdns 4.1.4…
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Local queries does not display domain records

pdns Version: 0.0.2081g7b9b55d (Master branch and version 4.1) pdns-recursor Version: 0.0.1960g7b9b55d (Master branch and version 4.1) dnsdist Version: 1.2.0 There are 3 servers with galera backend on two of themes there are pdns + pdns-recursor +…
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Configuration dnsdist

Trying to install PowerDNS 4.1 Authoritative at Recursor at Dnsdist config as in documentation But get an error: # dnsdist -C dnsdist.conf Fatal Lua error: Unknown Lua error input:1: attempt to call a nil value…
2 answers

How to Setup two DNS servers with newly registered domain using IP as Nameserver?

I have setup two VPS DNS Servers using Ubuntu 16.04.02 and PowerDNS with IP's DNS IP 1 [ Hostname] DNS IP 2 [ Hostname] I Register new domain using…
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powerdns or alternatives for hosting multiple domains

recently I assigned a project to a developer. My requirements are: host multiple domains/subdomains in a droplet/vps like these at, use a dns authoritative server, have an automation script capable to create/modify/delete the dns…
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