Questions tagged [powerdns]

PowerDNS is a DNS server developed by PowerDNS.COM BV, and known for its variety of backends.

PowerDNS is a DNS server, designed and running on most UNIX operating systems. It allows dynamic DNS changes through several backends, therefore making DNS zones edition easier than the basic BIND configuration scheme. PowerDNS 3.0 includes a DNSSEC support.


In its basic configuration, PowerDNS (shortened "pdns" in a technical environment) runs with 2 components:

  • A core server, pdns_server, handling DNS-related operations.
  • Loadable backends running as independent threads, handling data storage and organisation.

At the moment, the documentation refers to the following backends:

  • The random backend: silly little backend for demonstration and testing. Generates a random IP address for a given domain name.
  • Pipe backend: the core server handles communication and gets its data from a third-party program, used as the backend. This setup allows the system administrator to use the possibilities of UNIX pipes, and build more complex DNS queries handling processes.
  • MySQL/pgSQL backend: the core server gets its data from a MySQL or pgSQL database, which has to follow a given structure.
  • Oracle backend: same behaviour as above, with some Oracle specifics.
  • SQLite: same behaviour as above, with some SQLite specifics.
  • IBM DB2: same behaviour as above, with some IBM DB2 specifics.
  • OpenDBX backend: same behaviour as above. The module is independent.
  • Bind backend: allows PowerDNS to work as an intermediate process between the client and Bind zone files.
  • ODBC backend (windows only): allows PowerDNS to get information from any source of which it has the correct ODBC driver for.
  • LDAP backend (unmaintained and declared unstable): allows PowerDNS to store its data in a lightweight directory.
  • Geo backend: allows PowerDNS to handle DNS requests on an IP/country basis, using a GeoIP-like database.
  • Lua backend: allows PowerDNS to resolve queries using a Lua script.
  • TinyDNS (recent and experimental): allows PowerDNS to store data in a CDB file.
  • Remote backend: allows PowerDNS to use sockets, pipe and other network components to resolve its DNS queries.

Note: backends are usually referred to as modules, meaning anyone can develop his own DNS queries handler.

The PowerDNS recursor

The recursor is an additional component for a PowerDNS server. The core server can be configured to proxy requests to the recursor, acting as a DNS resolver. It allows the use of caches, recursing and resolving. Running the recursor on its own is therefore more efficient than running it behind the authoritative pdns_server. The pdns_recursor is known to run on several broadband providers infrastructures, as it can handle numerous requests through a multi-threaded behaviour (MTasker library homepage).

131 questions
3 answers

How to prevent sub-domain 'hijacking' on the same DNS server?

I'm trying to understand how (or if) a DNS server differentiates between a sub-domain setup as a zone and one setup as a record within a domain zone on the same server. Say I were to create a DNS zone on a DNS server for a domain e.g.…
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What do values in SOA record affect?

I am complete newbie in DNS world and I am moving our office subnet to another domain. Our DNS is using PowerDNS solution with MySQL backend. I am unsure whether the SOA record for our domain is written correctly. Assuming the domain name is…
Alexey Kamenskiy
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PowerDNS isn't working as expected (migration from bind)

I am migrating our office DNS servers to powerdns with MySQL backend. We quite often change our internal zone and therefore simple SQL query or web Ui would be much better than editing of text files for each DNS server. I've followed this guide…
Alexey Kamenskiy
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1 answer

PowerDNS does not resolve TXT records

My PowerDNS DNS server 3.3 does not resolve TXT records. Database looks like this: PowerDNS database When I try to dig my server for TXT entry they are not being shown: [root@nowosci powerdns]# dig…
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1 answer

Best Practice - DNS SOA

i have 2 DNS-Server and setup a Domain with SOA-Record. Now i checked at denic and got 2 Warnings: Warning 112 Minimum TTL out of range (expected, found) Range[180,86400] 172800 Warning 110 Retry value out of range (expected,…
0 answers

OARC's DNSSEC validating resolvers validate all my records but A records

I have DNS set up with powerdns. It serves my DNS pretty well, and it AXFRs to other slaves. The slaves haven't yet updated to the most recent records, but that doesn't affect the validation, it would appear. Any record I can think of (AAAA, MX,…
3 answers

how to resolve all externally unresolved DNS queries?

I am using PowerDns on a Linux box (Debian 6). I would like to set up the powerdns server to resolve all externally unresolved DNS queries to a given, internal host. Is this possible? How is it done? I think it's necessary to use pdns-recursor, but…
red eyes dev
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PowerDNS: multiple supermasters and transfering domain

I've got a setup with multiple supermasters (bind) and multiple superslaves (pdns). It all seems to work just fine, pdns is being updated when I'm adding or changing a domain. But, when I want to migrate a domain from one master to another, pdns…
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3 answers

Fake domain doesn't resolve when offline

I have a flimsy grasp of DNS. Nonetheless, in order to install a local development copy of Wordpress MU, I needed to create a fake domain, which I called It and all subdomains simply resolve to Apache then directs to the…
Fletcher Moore
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1 answer

Use PowerDNS to update AD Integrated DNS Zone

Before I embark on the experiment, I figured I might ask the community at large. So I've got an odd situation that I'm trying to remedy. I have Terraform deploying virtual machines (Linux and Windows) into an on-premise datacenter (VMWare) with an…
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1 answer

PowerDNS allow queries on a per domain basis

I am replacing my BIND authoritative nameserver with PowerDNS w/ gmysql backend. I'd like to have my primary domain and its associated hosts like to be available to other internet nameservers. However, I want certain…
Cory J
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getting prometheus metrics from pdns

Running pdns v4.7.0-0.alpha0.master. Have enabled web server and can see ports 8081, 8081 and 8082 (from localhost login). When I try to get /metrics from there (via curl) I get either "connection refused" or "Not found". Anyone had success with…
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2 answers

PowerDNS subdomain delegation, no answers

I'm having trouble redirecting subdomain to other DNS. I have: main exsisting domain: d and new subdomain: | 8412 | 42 | test1.d | NS | ns1.test.test1.d | 8413 | 42 | test1.d | NS | ns2.test.test1.d | 8414 | 42 | ns1.test.test1.d | A |…
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Multiple servers behind one public IP

I am hosting multiple servers behind one public IP. (Mostly in Proxmox VE) Currently, all the services are on separate ports. I would like to use multiple domains to reach different services and am not sure how/ if I can do this. I have looked at…
0 answers

PowerDNS/GeoIP geoblock

I'm setting up two (master-slave) authoritative domain servers using PowerDNS with GeoIP backend. The idea is to direct North America and Europe visitors to the server closest to them and block/drop traffic from all other continents. Please find my…
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