Questions tagged [dnsdist]

4 questions
0 answers

Advice on DNS good practice for LAN and public queries with DNSDist / recursor / powerdns

I am setting up a cluster of DNS that are soon going to reply to both LAN clients and public internet queries. On the internet is a special network (XX.YY.ZZ.AA/26) that I need to reply differently when querying the public zone I tried to…
1 answer

Multiple PowerDNS servers answer with different TTLs

This is just a question, not sure if its expected or a real problem. We have four PowerDNS servers (shared backend is a mysql galera cluster) behind a dnsdist loadbalancer. When making queries against the dnsdist instance sometimes we get different…
1 answer

'dig' between docker containers returns internal IP instead of external IP

First, sorry for the lenghty post, but I don't know how to boil it down to less than this. I have already cut a lot of unnecessary configuration stuff to end up with the basic info needed. I am setting up a dns recursor pair, ns1 and ns2, each on a…
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1 answer

Notifications of PowerDNS authoritative server behind dnsdist not working

I have three DNS servers: x.y.z.10 which is configured as supermaster, x.y.z.11 and x.y.z.12 which both are configured as superslaves. On all three machines: dnsdist is running on port 53 for (yet to be done) high availability pdns is running on…
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