Questions tagged [apache-1.3]

Version 1.x of the Apache HTTP Server.

Version 1.x of the Apache HTTP Server.

Apache 1.x is End of life and no longer supported with upgrades or security updates by the Apache Software Foundation.

56 questions
5 answers

How to solve "ExpiresActive not allowed here" error message in .htaccess file?

I am trying to add Expires headers to the HTTP responses of the site I am working on. The only way for me to control the Apache 1.3 server is by editing my .htaccess file. I tried adding code such as the following to enable the Expires…
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2 answers

Regex negative look-ahead is not working for mod_rewrite between different Apache versions

I have a mod_rewrite line that works under Apache 2.2, but not under Apache 1.3: RewriteRule ^(?!index.php)(?!skin/)(?!js/)(.+) /index.php?file=$1 [NC,L] If I lose the negative look-ahead components between the brackets, I…
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3 answers

How can I set Apache to serve files as text?

What configuration is required to make Apache serve all files as text files in the browser window? For example if I have a file program.c, how can I make Apache serve it as plain text in the browser window rather than as a download? I'm using Apache…
4 answers

Sending machine hostname as a header in Apache

I have a group of linux apache 1.3 servers behind a load balancer, and I want to be able to, at a glance, determine which server I'm hitting. The load balancer is severely limited in its monitoring capabilities, so what I'd like to do is configure…
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2 answers

Apache server-status when running as proxy server

We are running apache as a proxy server and have tomcat behind apache. We are using server_status module but when we try to access server_status as in it redirects to tomcat and we get 404 error. I am quite new to…
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1 answer

Changing port of nginx

I want to run apache and nginx on same machine. I configured apache and running fine on port 80. Now I want to configure nginx on port 7007. I did changes in nginx.conf. Here is the nginx.conf file- user nginx root; worker_processes …
Himanshu Matta
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1 answer

Include file in Apache2 EnvVars File?

Greetings Fellow Admins, I just read that I can put environment variables in (for RedHat) in /etc/sysconfig/httpd My question is, how do I include a file from that file I ask this because I would like to put all my config files under version…
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2 answers

Apache SSL configuration testing

When I run configtest on our Apache server, I get the following: `Syntax error on line 1023 of /www/conf/httpd.conf: Invalid command 'SSLEnable', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration` I know this part…
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2 answers

How to enable mod_info in Apache?

I gone through the apache guide to enable to mod_info. As per doc: To configure mod_info, add the following to your httpd.conf file. Location /server-info SetHandler server-info /Location You may wish to use mod_access inside the directive to…
Amit Nagar
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2 answers

HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed

When I try to connect to my Tomcat server on http://:8080 it works fine, but from another ISP provided it gives the following error: HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed. Some ISP apparently don't allow http over the port 8080, as…
Majid Laissi
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1 answer

disable/delete phpmyadmin aws ec2 lamp

i am pretty new to dedicated hosting and aws cloud. i was able to setup my instance with a lamp stack and installed phpmyadmin, moved it away from the 'www' directory and gave it an alias in my httpd.conf but i've read that disabling all together…
t q
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1 answer

What sites are running on my ((very) old) apache

I've got this server that an apache server on which I want to modify a website. The site is up, the apache processes are running I just need to modify a single line of the website. Right now when I modify the files I think apache uses to host the…
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2 answers

Apache Virtual Host Limit

I'm become the maintainer for an older Apache 1.3 development server running on a Windows XP machine. For some reason, the system won't allow more than a certain number of virtual hosts(in this case 64). I noted in Apache documentation…
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0 answers

Apache behind a Reverse Proxy in DataPower

I have been checking this previous question Apache Virtual Host SSL Behind Reverse Proxy that seems to be similar to what I am looking for. The main differences are two: I am not using SSL (for now) DataPower is the reverse proxy before the Apache…
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1 answer

Mod - Rewrite / .htaccess Issue with Apache 2.4.12

The file structure is as follows Public files: /home/usrname/public_html CGI BIN, where the software is running: /home/usrname/public_html/cgi-bin Private files: /home/usrname/public_html/_private Databases:…
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