Questions tagged [ip-blocking]

109 questions
4 answers

How to Automatically and Temporarily block an IP address making too many hits on the Server in a short timespan?

One of my LAMP servers was recently brought down by some kind of script bot looking for exploits. From the looks of it, it was making so many requests a second, that it overloaded the RAM on the server and brought my entire site down for an hour. …
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2 answers

IIS7 ban IP range

Possible Duplicate: How does IPv4 Subnetting Work? I have a list of IP ranges I would like to ban, an example being: 119.30.47.xx Where xx is anything. I've added the domain and IP restrictions into IIS. When I click add deny entry, I see: For…
Tom Gullen
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3 answers

Fail2ban log filled with entries saying "fail2ban.filter : WARNING Determined IP using DNS Lookup:.."

My fail2ban log at /var/log/fail2ban.log is completely filled with entries saying: fail2ban.filter : WARNING Determined IP using DNS Lookup: [IP address] I think this may have begun after I changed my ssh port... Any idea what the cause of this is…
Dirk Calloway
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4 answers

How to run node.js app on port 80? Are processes blocking my port?

I believe the port 80 on my remote instance is blocked, and I am trying to run a node.js app using port 80. I have experimented with ports 3000 and 3002, and both ports are working fine, but I get an error when running on port 80. I suspect port 80…
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5 answers

Finding all IP ranges belonging to a specific ISP

I'm having an issue with a certain individual who keeps scraping my site in an aggressive manner; wasting bandwidth and CPU resources. I've already implemented a system which tails my web server access logs, adds each new IP to a database, keeps…
1 answer

Amazon S3 appears to be blocking cloudflare IP addresses. How do I fix it?

I have static content that is being served by Cloudflare. Cloudflare points to Amazon S3 to pick up the static content and serves it via a CNAME ( The bucket is setup properly and everything was working fine for months until…
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Hundreds of connections to a server, just from opening 10+ tabs in IE8?

We have private forums running vBulletin, and we've gotten complaints from a customer that has trouble accessing them when he opens a lot of tabs. The last time he called, it was determined that our host had automatically blocked his ip address. …
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2 answers

How to block a Countries IP range with a Cisco ASA?

To be more specific I have a request from a client to block China's IP range. I know how to do this. I would use the IPs from and make a ACL. Well if you take a look at that there are…
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Block IPv6 addresses in my .htaccess file but I get 500 Internal Server Error?

I want to block all IP Addresses starting like this 2a01:598:xxx in my .htaccess file on my WordPress website. But everytime I edit my .htaccess file I can't visit my website anymore. I get an Internal Server Error. And the end of my .htaccess file…
Benjamin S
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1 answer

Finding google unusual traffic

We are a small Internet provider. In order to get Internet access we are using NAT (10-20 users per one public IP). And lately we've met with Google blocking services (captcha and full block) and we were unable to find a proper solution for our…
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3 answers

Blocking facebook on company network

Our ISP forced us to use their router that doesn't have any option to block certain URL/IP like our 3Com OfficeConnect router has. Is there any other easy way to implement this without an intelligent router (we are also using a D-Link 1016 switch).…
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10 answers

Block facebook even in the case users get their hands on tor, freegate and similar applications

I've been using, happily, opendns to block facebook on my network. Then I started thinking about tricks to circumvent this block and, of course, I've read here on serverfault how to block the facebook ip address. But if someone uses tor or…
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1 answer

Block A City From Visiting my Website

I understand it is possible to block a country from viewing my website using apache, .htaccess. I was wondering if it is possible to block everyone from a specific City (namely the city of Flower Mound, in Texas) from accessing my website. If…
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1 answer

How to block website for all countries except US and Canada

I have a website which is only for US and Canada visitors. I don't want to make it visible to other visitors. I want to use Geo targeting solution but I have a amazon hosting it did return current user IP Address so is there any way to getting user…
Dileep Kumar
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2 answers

How to unblock my IP after failed sftp login attempts to google cloud compute instance

We just started using google cloud compute engine, and to connect to the server using sftp a couple of colleagues did a number of failed login attempts. Now we cannot access our google cloud engine vm instance from our office anymore, on any port…
mister j
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