I have a low load website having on the average 1000 visitors per day. It is roughly estimated to reach to 10,000 (or even 20K) users on daily basis in 6 months or so. But I still consider that to be a low traffic CMS web site.
Everything is hosted on a single (CentOS VM) server of 8 gig ram and 4-cores CPU (which I may increase to 16G/8-cores).
Currently we have a setup as:
Nginx -> Varnish -> HAProxy -> CMS_HTTP_Daemons X 2 -> 1 DB Daemon -> SDD Disk
Since Varnish can also act as a simple round robin load balancer, I am planning to remove the HAProxy from middle; and since in my given scenario nginx is doing nothing other than proxy_pass, I am also thinking to remove this piece of software from the chain to make the setup like:
Varnish (WebServer+LB+HTTPCache) -> CMS_HTTP_Daemons X 2 -> 1 DB Daemon -> SDD Disk
Is it recommended or does this seems to be a good idea?
By the way my CMS is Zeo/Plone and database is ZopeDB.