Questions tagged [plone]

Plone is a very powerful and easy to use CMS built on top of Python and Zope.

Plone is among the top 2% of all open source projects worldwide, with 340 core developers and more than 300 solution providers in 57 countries. The project has been actively developed since 2001, is available in more than 40 languages, and has the best security track record of any major CMS. It is owned by the Plone Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and is available for all major operating systems.

29 questions
1 answer

Have Apache serve static content instead of forwarding it to Plone (++resource++)

I have a Plone-based site, running behind Apache 2.4, which could perform a little better. One idea is to have Apache serve the static parts of the contents, preventing them from being rewritten for the Plone process, as is commonly…
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Ploneftp fatal Exited too quickly

After starting daemon of plumi through supervisord. Screenshot of terminal after checking status of supervisorctl is shown here. Log ploneftp-stdout---supervisor-mlgou2.log file is Traceback (most recent call last): File…
1 answer

Trouble after converting standalone Plone instance to ZEO -- only one client starts

I'm trying to convert a standalone Plone instance to a ZEO cluster. I have the ZEO server and three clients on the same machine. I modified the buildout, cleared the buildout cache, and reran bin/buildout. Everything seemed to work. In fact,…
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Plone installation can't connnect :8080 Ubuntu

I just installed Plone using the Unified Installer. I jumped onto my browser and entered :8080 and it says it can't connect. Did the same for :8080/manage and there is nothing there either. Last night it did this as well, which is what prompted…
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3 answers

Varnish: cached and non-cached subdomains

We havie Plone site coming through Varnish front end cache. We'd like to give two different subdomains and for this site. The latter would always be serving non-cached versions of the pages and used by the site…
Mikko Ohtamaa
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1 answer

Email from Plone on Windows Server 2008 64bit

I installed Plone 4.0.7 on Windows Server 2008 64bit, and tried to add a new user. However, when I checked "Send a confirmation mail with a link to set the password", the new user was not created. Otherwise, I could create a new user. When I tested…
2 answers

Installing Plone on Centos fails: Unable to find libssl or openssl/ssl.h

My dedicated Server has CentOS 5.5. I tried to install Plone, so I basically did: wget tar xzf Plone-4.0.2-UnifiedInstaller.tgz cd Plone-4.0.2-UnifiedInstaller ./…
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1 answer

All-on-one-page print view in Plone

We have a Plone 4 document that is in a hierarchy. At each node there's either a document, or a folder. Folders then have more documents and folders. We want to be able to print the entire hierarchy, which means rendering the whole thing on one…
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2 answers

Plone e-mail silently fails

I'm new to Linux and Plone. I installed Plone 4.0.2 on CentOS 5.5 and while everything else seems to work well enough (I got repozo working for backups today, for instance) Plone doesn't seem to be able to e-mail anyone to reset their passwords. I…
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2 answers

Deleting a locked page in Plone

I'm a Plone newbie. Just installed Plone 4 and the Iterate plugin as it suggested on my first login. Logged in as admin, I created a folder, then created two pages within it. Well, I meant one of the pages to be a folder instead of a page, so I…
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1 answer

Plone site randomly serving wrong content

I have a Plone site that has begun to randomly serve up the wrong content. Any given content suddenly shows something else. Sometimes a JPEG loads a stylesheet instead or a stylesheet loads as a page or a page as an image. The images move around,…
Chris Miller
1 answer

Plone with Apache Proxy

I have a plone zinstance set up through Apache Proxy on OS X Server 10.5. The server is set up with a single vhost on port 80, with Proxy & Proxypass directives to the Plone zinstance: ProxyPass /…
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Plone4 with Nginx - Links are opening in a new page

I have a Plone4 and Nginx working on the same server (CentOS6). Nginx is working fast but all links on the Plone site received a target="_blank" attribute. All the links are opening in a new window when using Nginx. I open the same Plone site using…
1 answer

Does Plone 3.3.6 have all the recent security hot fixes included?

We recently upgraded to Plone 3.3.6 from 3.3.5. Being paranoid I have left in the 3 recent hot fixes Products.PloneHotfix20110720, Products.PloneHotfix20110531 and Products.Zope_Hotfix_20110622 in our buildout. Does anyone know if Plone 3.3.6 as…
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