Questions tagged [packaging]

Packaging relates to creating packages for the operating systems' package managers.

46 questions
1 answer

What is the apt equivalent of yum's createrepo?

With yum, I can create a respository from a folder of RPMs with the createrepo tool. What's the equivalent to turn a folder of .deb files into an apt repository? This isn't about mirroring upstream repos or serving anything at scale, just simply…
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How to package a custom kernel for Debian?

I've build a custom linux kernel from the vanilla source tree using the deb-pkg target: make deb-pkg After that package has been built I've got several .deb files. However I'd like to upload those files to a private repository which is managed by…
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How do I create a SCCM package where the main installation initiates self-contained msi's?

I have a few applications that are installed using InstallShield -- during the installation one or two parts of the application are installed with msi's. I've tried recording an iss file to instruct the installation process, but these installations…
2 answers

Packaging python software with custom dependencies

I'm looking for a good way to package a Python application that is going to be deployed on a Debian server. The application itself depends on some modules which are not included in base Debian repository, although they might be in the future. This…
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Debian package with init.d without autostart

I'm trying to create a package which contains the init.d file, but doesn't try to start the daemon right after the installation. Currently, I'm using scripts created from the dh_make template. Right after installation, dpkg wants to start the…
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Get a rpm subpackage to be installed with an update

As part of my internship task, I've to deploy OpenVPN clients on around 60-70 client devices that run CentOS (which reside on private networks and cannot be accessed directly). I'm quite new to package management. I've updated the already existing…
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Is it possible for a debian package to be installed by multiple names through apt?

I have a package foo-new, which many new users know by its old name foo-old, so they try to execute apt install foo-old which does not work. Is it possible through a control field to make a package being installed through either name from apt, so…
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Packaging a virtualenv

I'd like to package a Python virtualenv with fpm, so that I can deploy it to my servers. I want to setup the virtualenv somewhere in my home directory without having to use root permissions, but deploy to e.g. /opt. virtualenv itself seems to have…
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dpkg not able to delete a symbolic link

I have the following postint script in the dpkg package: rm -f /SOMEDIRECTORY/current ln -s /SOMEDIRECTORY/releases/RELEASESHA /SOMEDIRECTORY/current ln -s /SOMEDIRECTORY/shared/config/config.json…
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Windows Server 2008R2 WDS using MDT added applications but they arent installing

Not important information: I've a MDT server 2010 setup on a Windows 2008 R2 server I've configured DHCP for PXE and its working fine I've a custom Scheduled task configured to set my keyboard, display and join the domain correctly I've the CAB…
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rpm dependency failed to install, package installed anyway

I have this issue and I would like to understand why it is like this. I have build 3 really simple rpm packages called a, b and c, and I made a independant, b depending on a and c depending on a and b. Each of them has a source made of only one file…
Pierre-Alain TORET
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Debian package bigger than the source files

This might be a stupid question but I'm build a custom Debian package with the following command: dpkg-deb --build sources/ my_package.deb The sources directory is about 7MB and the resulting package is about 35MB. How is this possible? Am I…
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Solaris packaging preserve file timestamps

I have been creating Solaris packages for application deployment for some time, however recently I became aware that deployed files had the same timestamp of when the package was created. Looking through the various manpages (pkgproto, prototype,…
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Best practice signing debian packages

On my environment the packages are created by running 'debuild -b' and uploaded to the debian repository with dput. The debuild step is telling me that the package has been signed so should be cool. I have my keys generated with gpg, it's asking for…
3 answers

How to install software packages on a shared Red Hat Linux host account without root access or rpm?

I have a shared RHEL 4 host account where I do not have root privileges. I would like to install Git and Bash Complete in a way that they can be upgraded easily. To date, I've just been installing from source providing $HOME as a prefix to…