Questions tagged [outlook-anywhere]

Outlook Anywhere is an Exchange feature (formerly known as RPC over HTTP) that lets Outlook clients connect to their Exchange servers from outside the corporate network or over the Internet using the RPC over HTTP Windows networking component.

Outlook Anywhere is an Exchange feature (formerly known as RPC over HTTP) that lets Outlook clients connect to their Exchange servers from outside the corporate network or over the Internet using the RPC over HTTP Windows networking component.

57 questions
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Exchange 2010 Outlook Anywhere not working - RPC Proxy, Address Book?

Ugh. We built a greenfield AD and Exchange 2010 environment a few months back for a large client. Outlook Anywhere isn't working. Outlook clients just never connect, doesn't seem to be an error or timeout. This was a migration. Originally we had a…
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Multiple DNS names and IP address to make load balancing more efficient in an Exchange CAS Array

The tl;dr problem The CAS server occasionally gets one or two NAT'ed IP addresses that have several hundred users behind it. That is bad for scalability. The tl;dr solution Have the NAT'ed outlook clients connect to more than one DNS name/IP…
3 answers

Squid, authentication, Outlook Anywhere, Windows 7 and HTTP 1.1 = NIGHTMARE

I'm running a Squid proxy (latest version, 3.1.4) on Linux CentOS 5.4 with Samba 3.5.4, in order to allow authenticated web access for domain users; everything works fine, and even Windows 7 clients are fully supported. Authentication is transparent…
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OWA, Outlook Anywhere, RPCPing Inconsistencies

I'm troubleshooting an Outlook Anywhere issue with a new Exchange 2010 server. The server in question, MS2010, is behind a SonicWALL NSA 2400 device and works wonderfully except for Outlook Anywhere. Outlook Anywhere works internally and I've…
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Transitioning from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007. How will my servers coexist?

I have an ailing Exchange 2003 server on my domain that I am replacing with Exchange 2007 running on a brand new Server 2008 box. I've read the TechNet articles about the difference between an Exchange Transition and Migration. I've also read this…
Kyle Noland
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Exchange 2016 & Outlook Anywhere - Repeated Authentication Popup when Outside Network

Exchange 2016 on-premises, Outlook 2013/2019 When a user is inside the network/on the VPN everything is fine. When a user brings their laptop outside of our network: Outlook pop-ups asking them to log into their mailbox. If they enter their domain…
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3 answers

Autodiscover does not work - Exchange 2016

Recently I've set up Exchange Server 2016, configured external DNS accrodingly. Server itself works fine, can send and receive emails. OWA is working fine aswell (externally and internally). Issue is that Autodiscover is not working properly. I can…
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Clarifying terminology: MAPI vs RPC/HTTPS vs Outlook Anywhere

Will someone correct or verify my understanding of the following terms: MAPI (sometimes referred to as TCP) The on-the-wire RPC protocol format that Outlook uses with Exchange server. The client connects to server ports 135 and 139 (among others)…
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How to change all Exchange external URLs without adversely affecting external users?

We have an Exchange 2010 SP2 system consisting of a single Mailbox/Hub/CAS server and a single Edge server. The MHC server is exposed to Internet users via a TMG 2010 reverse proxy. All Exchange web services use a public FQDN in an old DNS domain…
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3 answers

Outlook 2010 can't connect to Exchange 2003 using RPC over HTTP

We have some users who work remotely and they access their e-mail in Outlook 2003 using RPC over HTTP. We just hired another sales guy and the laptop we bought for him came with Office 2010, so I decided to give it a whirl. I set it up the same as I…
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Exchange 2010 Outlook Anywhere (RPC over HTTP) not working (The EXCH provider section is missing from the Autodiscover response.)

A bit of backstory... network exploded, rebuilt. This AD has survived people not knowing what they are doing, Exchange 2007 (installed and removed a few times), Exchange 2010 (current in use and re-did from a crash once). My Outlook Anywhere (RPC…
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Exchange 2010 Autodiscover returns a completely bogus server name I've never used

so I have Exchange 2010 and I'm having issues with Outlook Anywhere, and when I run, it returns: "The Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer wasn't able to validate Outlook Autodiscover settings...No account settings were…
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1 answer

Exchange 2010 Autodiscover, Return OWAUrl Configuration

I have a Exchange 2010 instance where 2 different domains, and, are using the same server that has all 3 Exchange server roles installed, CAS/Transport/Mailbox. All of the clients are using RPC over HTTPS to connect over the…
1 answer

Outlook for Mac, Active Directory DNS and DDOS

Edit: This is not a question about DDOS, but a question about how to resolve a technical issue impacting only Mac clients of Outlook Anywhere. Problem and solution are are now known, but I cannot link it here for some stupid reason of stackexchange…
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Outlook Anywhere not working through proxy with HTTPS inspection

I'm currently working at a customer's site where they use a web proxy with HTTPS inspection: for each HTTPS connection, the proxy acts as a man-in-the-middle by terminating the HTTPS channel, generating a new certificate using its own internal CA…
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