Questions tagged [outlook-anywhere]

Outlook Anywhere is an Exchange feature (formerly known as RPC over HTTP) that lets Outlook clients connect to their Exchange servers from outside the corporate network or over the Internet using the RPC over HTTP Windows networking component.

Outlook Anywhere is an Exchange feature (formerly known as RPC over HTTP) that lets Outlook clients connect to their Exchange servers from outside the corporate network or over the Internet using the RPC over HTTP Windows networking component.

57 questions
1 answer

Exchange 2010 CAS not proxying RPC/HTTPS connections to Exchange 2003 server

I am migrating from Exchange 2003 to 2010, I would like to setup co-existance and followed the instructions for setup on technet. OWA redirects without issue, the problem I have is with RPC/HTTPS. Exchange 2003 mailboxes and connect directly to…
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2 answers

Outlook doesn't download folders from Exchange mailbox

Update -- Clean Install, brand new PC, Windows 7, Outlook 2010 Strangeness. I am getting basically the inverse, now: all folders, and the messages within them, have downloaded. However, the messages in the Inbox did not! A new, test message I sent…
2 answers

Outlook Anywhere asking for password

I've tried to set up outlook anywhere using Exchange 2010 and it works well except when Outlook is first opened, the user is asked to enter their windows login password. Once it has been entered everything is fine but I need to get rid of this…
0 answers

office 365 cannot empty deleted items

I am unable to delete messages from deleted items on O365. Once I select delete all, they appear gone, but only to come back seconds later. Does anyone have experience with this, as microsoft recommended to delete and recreate the mailbox (which…
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Disabling Outlook Anywhere for external users in Exchange 2013

I've been exhaustively Googling this issue to no avail, and am at the point where Microsoft's $2000 support quote is actually looking reasonable, but I was hoping maybe someone here would have an idea. PROBLEM: we would like to disable Exchange…
1 answer

Exchange 2010 to Exchange Online cutover migration error

I am in the middle of an Exchange 2010 to Office 365 cutover migration and I keep getting errors when trying to create a migration endpoint on Office 365 hence the migration can't progress. I have successfully completed step one which is to verify…
1 answer

Outlook prompts for password when connect to Exchange via HTTP is enabled

We have an SBS 2011 server running Exchange 2010 SP3 and two domain-joined Terminal Servers running Outlook 2010 & 2013. When any Exchange account is configured to Connect to Microsoft Exchange using HTTP (the default for all users) Outlook prompts…
0 answers

RPC over HTTP - Outlook

I'm trying to configure an Outlook client to use RPC over HTTP so that my client can read his mail without connecting to the VPN. The mailserver is an SBS2011 server and Outlook Anywhere has never worked. I've tried A LOT to get this working, so the…
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1 answer

Add new profile to outlook, using outlook anywhere

Im trying to add a new profile to outlook via outlook anwyhere, this machine is not domain joined and is not on the LAN, i have done the following:- exchange server name: username: john smith more settings > connection >exchange…
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Proper syntax for generating an SSL certificate CSR to protect an Exchange 2007 server

I need help generating a CSR for a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) SSL certificate to protect a new Exchange 2007 server. My main requirements are that Outlook Anywhere and OWA must work without any errors or warnings. It would be nice if the…
Kyle Noland
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Outlook Anywhere authentication behavior on Domain vs. Non-Domain Computer

Many of our users need to connect to the Exchange server at another organization. The other organization has Outlook Anywhere and Autodiscover setup properly and everything works properly for their internal users. After we configure an Outlook…
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Attempting to ping RPC endpoint 6001/6004 (Exchange Information Store) on server on Exchange2010

I have Exchange 2010 in hosting setup like: TMG 2010 as load balancer Exchange 2010 x 2 (CAS,MAILBOX,HUB on each server) AD1, AD2 machines File witness All people currently connect thru OWA or POP3/SMTP and that works fine. The problem is…
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Can't login with // Outlook 2010 and RPC/HTTP to Exchange 2003

I have a customer who is using Outlook 2010/Windows 7 against an Exchange 2003 server. The application is a on a laptop, remains out of the office and Outlook is configured to use RPC/HTTP. I'm finding an oddity regarding authentication to the…
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Outlook Anywhere on Exchange '03 does not work on Outlook '03 and '10, but works on Outlook '07?

To start, we have a non-best-practices Exchange setup. Rather than a front-end RPC proxy server and a back-end mailbox server, we have a single server that is a DC/GC/Exchange. Setting up RPC-over-HTTP only appears to work on Outlook 2007 clients,…
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1 answer

Outlook Anywhere using the wrong URL

We've configured Outlook 2010 to use Outlook Anywhere and it works fine against SBS 2011 Std. However, on start-up, it complains about a mismatched certificate. After a bit of sniffing with Fiddler2, we've learned that, in spite of being given a URL…