Questions tagged [open-source]

Open Source Software is software for which the source code is available for free. Usually the source code and compiled versions can be used/changed/redistributed with simple restrictions as detailed in the accompanying license. Even though the source code is readily available, some companies like Red Hat charge for support with their product. The Open Source principles can also be applied to concepts besides software.

Open source is a general term that encompasses many different licenses. They all share some common characteristics, though. These include freely available source code, free redistribution, the license cannot be specific to a product - the code must follow the license regardless of implementation, and the license must not restrict the type of licenses that other products distributed with it must use. A more in-depth definition can be seen at the Open Source Initiative site.

Some of the more common open source licenses include:

Some popular open source software packages include:

150 questions
3 answers

How to utilise spare bandwidth

Ive got an interesting question for all of you. I'm currently sitting on a 100mbps line, and i would like to use it in some interesting way. I would like to share it in a way simmiliar to folding@home, SETI@Home, etc. I have thought of using it as a…
Janis Peisenieks
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3 answers

Backup google hosted mailboxes

We have deployed out official mailboxes in google apps not premier edition. Does anybody know how to backup those mailboxes using any opensource tools OR is there any tool to backup mailboxes.. Thanks in advance
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Open source CMS for a university department

I realize that this type of question gets asked over and over again. Nonetheless, I want to ask a more specific version. I'm in a university math department. Long ago our sysadmins (or just one at the time) switched to a web content management…
3 answers

recommendations for public facing file server

I've been asked to setup a server for exchanging non-critical company data e.g. marketing PDF's etc. Can anyone recommend a Linux-based solution I can use? We're looking for something with a really simple GUI front end here... I've already setup…
3 answers

Open source command-line tool to access Exchange 2007 inbox?

I'm looking to write a script (running on linux) that connects to an Exchange inbox (as me) and downloads messages. Is there any open source software out there to support me? Thanks!
2 answers

Open Source App Stor

I want to manage a kind of private App Store. All users of my company can download apps or software from the Intranet. Here is a sample of what I want for a private use: Does anyone know a open source service that…
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Open source report framework

I'm looking for a open source report framework for statistics. A more detailed explanation is: We have a number of tests running on different servers collecting data (for example, login time) every 5min. What we need is a framework that collects…
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FTP server (open source?) with paid support

Corporate has asked us to look for an FTP server solution with paid support. Our team has a preference for open source, and would normally support it ourselves. But the guys at the top want that secure feeling of paying someone to CYA. …
Peter Tirrell
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3 answers

Alternative to OpenERP?

Is there an alternative for OpenERP that is also open source?
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1 answer

OpenSource management tool for measuring and reporting on power efficiency of Servers

I would like to measure the power efficiency of servers (virtualized) using an opensource management tool like Nagios or OpenNMS. Cacti also might be useful for it's historical graphing capabilities, but it doesnt seem to be as flexible as Nagios…
1 answer

remove plan settings from an azure image

Some images on Azure are 'supported' via a 'plan' (see for example A problem with this is that any subsequent images or VMs you create from the original VM also carry…
Bruce Adams
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0 answers

Influxdb is not showing up the measurement name which is pushed by collectd exec plugin

Am using collectd to collect the system metric and pushing into influx db. To monitor the running process I wrote a script leveraged the collectd exec plugin to push my custo m metric into influx db... My script for exec plugin is…
1 answer

Is it possible to redirect DNS quries to different URL/DNS like opendns

I have an unbound DNS Resolver in my office lab. I m using this service to block ads and unwanted domains. Is there any possibilities to redirect DNS quires to a specific URL/DNS that shows the site/DNS is blocked like "opendns" service? . or Do…
1 answer

Zimbra (open source) how can I perform a backup?

Good day everyone So I am trying to perform a backup on out zimbra server and I found documentation (Zimbra Backup Proceedures ) and realised that the scripts aren't working correctly. Scripts from documentation : echo…
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Xenserver 6.5 Backup Solutions

I'm looking for a way to backup up VM's in my Xenserver 6.5 environment. I'm open to scripts or installing some tools/clients but it need to opensource. We want to backup to our Dell MD3660i SAN as well since we have a 20TB disk group dedicated as a…
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