Questions tagged [open-source]

Open Source Software is software for which the source code is available for free. Usually the source code and compiled versions can be used/changed/redistributed with simple restrictions as detailed in the accompanying license. Even though the source code is readily available, some companies like Red Hat charge for support with their product. The Open Source principles can also be applied to concepts besides software.

Open source is a general term that encompasses many different licenses. They all share some common characteristics, though. These include freely available source code, free redistribution, the license cannot be specific to a product - the code must follow the license regardless of implementation, and the license must not restrict the type of licenses that other products distributed with it must use. A more in-depth definition can be seen at the Open Source Initiative site.

Some of the more common open source licenses include:

Some popular open source software packages include:

150 questions
4 answers

Building a Dedicated Close mail relay server

I'm looking to create a black box solution that an IT administrator for a organization could easily install. They could pop it into the server rack and direct all incoming and outgoing email through it. It would do some analysis of these emails…
Derek Organ
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2 answers

Fast, reliable, open source encryption for large logs

I intend to use cloud storage for some of my application logs. These logs might contain confidential business data, so I would like to encrypt them prior to upload. For security reasons, I prefer using large symmetric key cryptography over simple…
Adam Matan
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2 answers

Open source cloud computing with scalable virtual machines

I'm searching for open source software to create my own cloud computing environment, like Ubuntu UEC or Eucalyptus. What I need is that each virtual machine can use resources from multiple nodes (CPU, RAM). And apparently, neither UEC nor Eucalyptus…
2 answers

SMTP Relay to capture attachments

Does anyone know of FOSS solutions (or general information) on setting up a Linux-bases SMTP mail relay that can do the following: Detect if a message has an attachment if so, save the attachment to a web-based storage solution remove the…
2 answers

Open Source Unified Threat Management Software Options

Does anyone have experience or could recommend an open source Unified Threat Management (UTM) package that we could install on our network using hardware we already own? Looking for something that will filter viruses and malware at the perimeter of…
Dave Drager
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5 answers

Simple 2 node virtualisation cluster

Could someone recommend an opensource virtualisation cluster suite?! I'm looking at setting up a 2-3 node cluster w/ 2 webservers 2 mysql and a virtualised loadbalancer for apache. We currently have this setup on 5 dedicated servers and wish to…
1 answer

How can I determine the likely cause of a 504?

We always have these on Reddit, but Reddit just claims it's not the servers, or at least it can't be solved by throwing more servers at it. What normally causes these errors? Is it likely in the code? Anyone had experience with these errors on their…
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5 answers

Opensource RightScale-like EC2 deployment management

Does anyone know if there are any solid opensource alternatives to RightScale for EC2 deployment+maintenance management? Basically what I'm looking for is: Script based AMI deployment and configuration. In my case nginx + Jetty. Network health…
1 answer

Security Token for Mac/Linux/Windows, self-managed, pref. open source?

I'm looking to buy an evaluation security token (combined smart card/usb reader) for my business that works on: Windows 7 x64 OS X 10.6.x x64 Ubuntu Linux (64 or 32 bit, 10.04 or 10.10, I can bend based on possible tokens) Functionality I need…
3 answers

PacketFence Installation?

So I've stumbled across PacketFence during my search for a decent Network Access Control system. After doing a little research about it's capabilities I've come to realize it's meets all the requirements that I was looking for. Unfortunately, being…
3 answers

Anti-spam on par with Gmail's?

Currently, I rely on Gmail to weed out SPAM because the anti-spam software on my hoster's mail server is so crappy, and besides, it doesn't provide a good web UI so users can tag false negatives and improve its recognition rate. But I don't like to…
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2 answers

Top open source single sign on app

We're using a webapps like google apps(mail), jira, etc. and would like to implement single sign on on our system. What is the best or top pick when choosing a single sign on app? Is CAS( a good choice? BTW most of our…
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5 answers

What is the best option to set up a quick and easy-to-manage database for my small office?

First, please be aware I am definitely a beginner when it comes to server maintenance or network administration. That being said, if I am asking this question in the wrong forum, please feel free to redirect me. Despite my lack of experience in the…
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2 answers

Building an OpenSource Network (Intranet) infrastructure based on Linux (AD, Domains, etc.)

We currently manage our networks (Intranet) using Windows Server 2008 R2, as it was relatively easy to manage and configure. Being a non-profit organization we were sponsored our initial setup but we would have to add more computers soon and we…
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1 answer

Looking for open source anti-spam systems, any suggestions?

Basically speaking, we have a forum-like systems and every one can post their demand/supply information. So we need an anti-spam system to avoid the spams like the ads, politic-sensitive, porn, etc. Our requirements: a) open source b)we can tune…
Mickey Shine
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