Questions tagged [open-source]

Open Source Software is software for which the source code is available for free. Usually the source code and compiled versions can be used/changed/redistributed with simple restrictions as detailed in the accompanying license. Even though the source code is readily available, some companies like Red Hat charge for support with their product. The Open Source principles can also be applied to concepts besides software.

Open source is a general term that encompasses many different licenses. They all share some common characteristics, though. These include freely available source code, free redistribution, the license cannot be specific to a product - the code must follow the license regardless of implementation, and the license must not restrict the type of licenses that other products distributed with it must use. A more in-depth definition can be seen at the Open Source Initiative site.

Some of the more common open source licenses include:

Some popular open source software packages include:

150 questions
7 answers

Open Source Filtering of HTTPS Traffic

We use to have a filtering/proxy setup that was configured so that about 500 users were routed through a Unix-based system running SQUID with SquidGuard to block questionable content and log what users were doing. What we found was that there were…
Bart Silverstrim
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8 answers

Document Control Software

We have a requirement which can give solution for the following & It would be better if its open source software. 1.Revision control of documents 2.Structuring documents in folders grouped as per supplier or as per product/SKU (see graphic of…
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4 answers

Packeteer Alternative

I have been tasked with starting to monitor and restrict our companies internet access. We have considered a Squid Proxy server but have decided we need something more robust then that. We would like many of the features commonly available on…
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2 answers

Where do you share or find useful powershell, bash, batch, vbs, scripts?

I just wrote a quick little powershell script to make my life easier for a task that I was facing. I thought it would be nice to put it on the Internet, where someone else may also find it useful. The trouble is that it feels like overkill to open a…
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6 answers

Best OpenSource Monitoring Tool?

I'm trying to decide between Zenoss and GroundWork. I need an enterprise level monitoring tool and I had heard really good comments of these tools. Do any of you have implemented them? Which are their strong points? Shortcomings?
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2 answers

Fully FOSS EMail solution

I am looking at various FOSS options to build a robust EMail solution for a government funded university. Commercial options are to be chosen only in the worst case scenario. Here are the requirements: Approx 1000-1500 users - Postfix or Exim?…
7 answers

Open Source company grade alternative to Outlook?

This is not for me personally but for everyone searching this in a search engine, so this is a community wiki question. This question is based on this answer in which he stands that Mozilla Thunderbird is a alternative for Outlook. While Thunderbird…
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1 answer

Open Source Puppet for Network Devices

I'm attempting to determine whether I'd be able to run Puppet on network devices (switches, firewalls etc.). From what I can tell after reading online documentation, Puppet Enterprise will cater such devices. Basically, I've been asked whether we…
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5 answers

Microsoft Office documents collaboration - Open Source alternative

I am looking for a good solution to collaborate on Microsoft Office documents, we currently just edit directly on a Samba share but it's one big mess because sometimes people leave the office with their laptops while docs are open so swap files…
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12 answers

What is the Open Source CMS of choice?

I've been told that Sitecore is the closed-source CMS of choice (due to its insane flexibility). That said, what is the Open source equivalent? Or is there one? I've played with Drupal and it seems more of a blogging platform than a CMS. Do you have…
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5 answers

What is a suitable simple, open web server for Windows?

I'm looking for a dead simple web server for Windows. Load will not be high as it will be primarily serving binaries for a WPKG update service. It needs to serve the entire contents of a single folder over HTTP on a configurable (high) port. No CGI…
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6 answers

find opensource project for sysadmin

I am a beginning Linux sysadmin and I would like to contribute to open source to obtain new skills and help other people if possible. I found this SF question and googled how to join the CentOS or Snort infrastructure teams with no success. It likes…
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2 answers

Open Source Inventory System

I have about 200 Hosts I need to inventory. Several of them are not able to be inventoried by OCS inventory, because they are firewalls and switches, or shutoff. I also have had issues with adding hosts that are moved to new machines causing…
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6 answers

Looking for good Open Source email server

I'm currently running MailEnable as my email server, it's ok but lacking. I'm looking for a better alternative and am wondering about Open Source. I'm a huge fan of the Smarter Mail, and will pay if it's the best I can get... But I have been…
Chase Florell
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4 answers

OS-agnostic way to set permissions and encrypt files

A friend of mine is physician and shares his office with other physicians (they're all psychiatrists). They're looking for a not to pricey and secure way to share and store files (basically text-only notes and reports) on a server (preferentially…
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