Questions tagged [ntlm]

NTLM (NT LAN Manager) is a suite of Microsoft security protocols that provides authentication, integrity, and confidentiality to users.

179 questions
1 answer

NTLM with squid

I am new to Squid proxy and need help in setting up NTLM authentication. I checked so many resources on the web but did not find exact steps to get my work done Since I have no background on proxy/networking configurations, I am not able to figure…
1 answer

Cannot RDP into Windows Server 2016: 0x80090302

I am attempting to RDP into multple Windows Server 2016 VMs with no success. It is joined to a domain and I am using a domain account. The error I see is on the servers is Event ID 4625: An account failed to log on. Subject: Security ID: …
1 answer

500 server error on after turning anon auth off and NTLM on

I'm pretty sure this is a permissions issue but can't seem to track down where at. We have a local intranet site that is running on IIS 6.1 and running PHP. We turned on NTLM on so we can pull user-info, for this to work fully we turned off…
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How do you enable ntlm v3 on windows server 2008 on IIS?

My boss wants me to enable NTLM v3 on IIS on my Windows 2008 server instance. How do I do that? Googling it is very non-conclusive.
Nicholas DiPiazza
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Windows NTLM: who is trying to check against the domain

I have a very awkward situation. I want to find the application and/or IP address attempting to break in. We have a WEB server, running IIS 7 on a 2008R2 domain. We are (still) using NTLM. Analyzing the WEB event log, we have multiple and…
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2 answers

Force anonymous authentication to use NTLM v2 rather than NTLM v1?

I already started changing my applications that use NTLM v1 in the authentication for NTLM v2. I still have several event IDs in my DCs that show sessiom NULL with anonymous accounts. after troubleshooting I found that the sessions are done by…
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Setting up NTLM/Kerberos authentication for IIS 8, Server 2012 Workgroup

I need the following. My Server 2012 with IIS 8 installed is in a workgroup. Workstations are in a domain called 'hello.local' I need for users in the domain 'hello.local', to be authenticated against the IIS on my Server 2012. This way, i can log…
3 answers

How to use nginx to proxy to a host requiring NTLM authentication?

Basically the same issue as How to use nginx to proxy to a host requiring authentication? but this time using NTLM authentication. Unfortunately the company IIS doesn't accept basic authentication. I need to configure nginx to use a single user…
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firefox fails to pass ntlm to apache2 running authenntlm on Centos 5.1

We are trying to get an application server that is running apache2 on centos 5.1 to use NTLM to provide SSO to a number of applications. We can get SSO to work with IE, however SSO fails with firefox. We have updated the NTLM trust entry in…
Grant Collins
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Exchange 2007 RPC over HTTPS, basic auth, password prompt bypassed by clicking 'need password'.. desired behavior?

I can't handle the incessant password prompting anymore.. Our Outlook installations prompt for a password after the comps wake from sleep and/or when changing between wired/wireless. Outlook DOES NOT prompt for a password when launching…
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How to resolve 401 Unauthorized failures on intranet pages with IIS and Active Directory

I'm attempting allow/restrict website intranet users access based on Active Directory permissions. I thought we'd reached our objective (authentication without domain sign-on prompt) until I discovered that pages (or even text files) accessed via…
2 answers

Active Directory / Freeradius / ntlm_auth / mail attribute

I am currently configuring a linux server with Freeradius to have our clients authenticate against our Active Directory for our WiFi-network. The goal is to have our users use the e-mail address that is present the Active Directory as the 'mail'…
0 answers

How to configure Apache NTLM in order to get REMOTE_USER?

No matter where I put %{REMOTE_USER}, I got NULL. Can you please tell me how I can configure NTLM Apache in order to get REMOTE_USER ? RewriteEngine On #RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+) #RewriteRule . - [E=RU:%1] …
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Cross-server NTLM authentication failing

I think this issue has less to do with software development and more to do with general network configuration, so I'm posting the question here initially. I have an MVC4 application hosted in IIS 7.5 on a Windows 2008 R2 server (let's call it WS1).…
1 answer

get Squid proxy server authentication type from local client

Just like the title is: Is there a way to get the authentication type of a squid proxyserver from a client in the local network? Im using debian UPDATE 1: HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required Server: squid/3.3.9 Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Fri, 25…
Ferris Garden
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