Questions tagged [bad-request]

20 questions
1 answer

How to block mysterious remote requests?

My CentOS server is experiencing huge (millions a day) requests looking like this: Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client Protocol VHost Request 62-1 - 0/0/335 . 0.00 1947 204049 0.0 0.00 0.85 …
Nils Munch
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4 answers

Apache Bad Request "Size of a request header field exceeds server limit" with Kerberos SSO

I'm setting up an SSO for Active Directory users through a website that runs on an Apache (Apache2 on SLES 11.1), and when testing with Firefox it all works fine. But when I try to open the website in Internet Explorer 8 (Windows 7), all I get is…
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3 answers

How often should we expect 400 Bad Request?

We run an Apache2 web server which has somewhere in the vicinity of 2-3 million pages served every day (only HTML+CSS+Javascript, images and other content is served with Lighttpd). Our daily logwatch e-mail outputs somewhere between 3-5 "400 Bad…
Vegard Larsen
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4 answers

HAProxy returns Bad Request (Invalid Host) for seemingly no reason

I've been trying to test a setup that looks like this: Website: Http GET Request -> Nginx -> HAProxy -> .Net application I've placed Nginx and HAProxy on the same Debian machine. However, HAProxy constantly returns "Bad Request (Invalid Host)". I've…
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k8s nginx ingress returns randomly 502 error on load

we are using an nginx ( as ingress controller on our k8s cluster (v.1.17), managed by rancher (2.5.7). This worked pretty fine so far, but now we set up a custom API pod that can be externally accessed via ingress. Now, doing some load…
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Nginx Docker 400 Bad Request

I am currently trying to host nexus as a private registry for docker images within my organisation . My nginx configuration are as below . user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn; pid …
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2 answers

Resolving HAProxy BADREQs using socat

I'm trying to figure out why i'm getting BADREQs from time to time, by using "show errors" in socat. The problem is that it only shows the last error. I want to be able to see all of them ( like using tail -f ... | grep something). can somebody tell…
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Bad Request Due to "Bad" Cookie

I have a web site under a domain, where the main domain is using Google Analytics which sets a cookie named __utmva which is value is part binary. As far as I can tell passing this cookie to IIS returns Bad Request (400) - "The request is badly…
1 answer

Uploading file > 1 MB on Django admin gives 400 Bad Request response

I have a small Django (1.2.x) project deployed on Apache (2.x) via mod_wsgi (3.x). In the admin, if I upload a file < 1MB, I can get it through; however, for a file, say, 1.2MB in size, I get a 400 response from the server with "Error 400" in the…
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Odd requests for urls that are the *body* of my CSS files

I'm not sure quite how to express this but my NodeJS server has recently been getting errors because some middleware library is unable to parse certain parameters from urls. When I look at which urls this is occurring for, the url appears to be…
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2 answers

Determine the end of a malformed (bad) http request

I'm implementing a HTTP server and wonder, if there is a defined way of when a server would determine a bad request as ended to return the corresponding 400 status, and accept the following data as new request starting a new attempt to parse…
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API backends app revision Y not the same as expected X

I have API endpoints on app engine, and after a certain deployment I found a server error. By mistake, I did a rollback, then I fixed the problem, and then I deployed again. Since then I'm having this error with this API call…
Tamer Saleh
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Ubuntu 16.04 public wifi connection failure "The request is invalid due to malformed syntax or invalid data."

I use Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop and I can't connect public library's free wifi. First, It shows this error when I try to open HTTP pages: Open me in new tab When I try to open https pages, it says "This site can’t be reached"…
1 answer

Accept custom header field "Content type" in apache

My app was sending request with header field "Content type" [sic] and value "form-data" [sic] to the server. Although it seems wrong - it seems it was causing no problem until couple of days ago. Then something happened (admin installed security…
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Unusual requests on Apache2

I am developing an eBay-like system in PHP only to accept Bitcoin as the only payment method. For this purpose I've set up a virtual machine on my computer because I don't want to be paying for hosting while the system is still in development. I…