Questions tagged [mysql-cluster]

MySQL Cluster, which is a distinct product from MySQL Server, is the industry's only real-time transactional relational database combining 99.999% availability with the low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of open source. It features a "shared-nothing" distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission-critical application requirements.

MySQL Cluster, which is a distinct product from MySQL Server, is the industry's only real-time transactional relational database combining 99.999% availability with the low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of open source. It features a "shared-nothing" distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission-critical application requirements.

106 questions
2 answers

MySQL NDB Data/Memory Usage

I am running a fast growing NDB cluster and I have limited (8GB) of physical memory on each of the two data nodes. I am worried that I will be running out of Data Memory so I started removing old data. However, the deletion doesn't show any…
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Unable to connect to MySQL cluster database

I am unable to connect to mysql cluster database after starting my management node, data node, mysql node. I made the necessary changes by adding the loadbalance in the dbURL. But I am not able to access the connection. The mysqld port is 1186.…
1 answer

Setup MySQL replication - multiple machines?

i read a lot of mysql server repliaction tutorials, but there's no hint, if the slave server is on a second machine or on the same server but just another mysqld process? any advice? thanks in advance!
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configuring mysql cluster server

Currently I have two servers: appbe - linux server with apache web server. db0 - linux server with mysql server. I want to add another linux server with another mysql server and and to use mysql-cluster server instead. I created a new linux server…
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MySQL Cluster ndb_mgmd error

I set up MySQL Cluster on Ubuntu. My ndb_mgmd.cnf file looked: [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 DataDir= /var/lib/mysql-cluster # Management Node [NDB_MGMD] NodeId=1 HostName= DataDir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster # Storage Nodes (one for each…
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MySQL hosting: What are the recommended specs and w

I have two specific cases of MySQL hosting. 1) I have a case where I have 2000 plus concurrent users to a single MySQL Database. They are not simple web users, but actual business users who need to connect write and read constantly through about 8-9…
1 answer

Can I have a Redmine database on a MySQL cluster?

I have two servers, both Debian Linux. Currently I'm using them as a poor man's load balancer for high availability. However, currently I have only 1 MySQL server on the "master", so if the master goes down then the slave is useless. To solve this I…
Nick Bolton
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Loadbalance mysql-proxy

I am looking for a solution setting up a MySQL Server in a redundant way. As for now, I have played around with MySQL, creating a InnoDB Cluster with 3 nodes, 1 primary and 2 secondary ones which give me the oportunity to bring one node down without…
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2 answers

MySQL NDB Cluster on FreeBSD 7.1

Got a problem with a MySQL Cluster, All the nodes connect fine to the ndb management node, however when I try to create a table on one of the nodes it returns this error : mysql> use foo; Database changed mysql> create table bar (i int)…
Bruce Grobler
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0 answers

Getting error while connecting with other nodes in cluster

I create Galera cluster for mysql 8, when i'm restarting the nodes it is connecting in the cluster but after few seconds its getting disconnected. Please help me to fix this issue. Please see the logs- 2021-05-09T19:29:47.376651Z 0 [System]…
2 answers

Haproxy with MySQL Cluster Setup

I have 2 MySQL servers with master-master replication between them. The replication is working fine. I need to configure high availability between them so that if either one of them goes down, the other takes up. I'm following this…
1 answer

GCP Cloud SQL HA mySQL, which public IP to connect?

Taken from this link: After setup a 2nd generation mySQL failover instance in Cloud SQL, found that actually two IP addresses were provided, one for master, and another for failover…
1 answer

Error when setting up mysql cluster

I am trying to set up the mysql cluster. But when I try to start the mysqld(API) node, I get this error: 2014-12-02 17:02:37 0 [Warning] Using unique option prefix key_buffer instead of key_buffer_size is deprecated and will be removed in a future…
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1 answer

MariaDB Galera Clustering - Active Active - Operation not permitted error

I am having issues with MariaDB and Galera running on RHEL 6.4 & 6.2 64bit servers and getting them to cluster. I installed the required RPM's for Galera…
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1 answer

how to grow mysql dynamically

we want to make a website, where we are using Pandora technique and using mysql database. in our website we want to keep one table in which we add columns on run time and update table and this process goes on. My question is that how can we grow…