Questions tagged [mysql-cluster]

MySQL Cluster, which is a distinct product from MySQL Server, is the industry's only real-time transactional relational database combining 99.999% availability with the low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of open source. It features a "shared-nothing" distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission-critical application requirements.

MySQL Cluster, which is a distinct product from MySQL Server, is the industry's only real-time transactional relational database combining 99.999% availability with the low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of open source. It features a "shared-nothing" distributed architecture with no single point of failure to assure high availability and performance, allowing you to meet your most demanding mission-critical application requirements.

106 questions
1 answer

Does MySQL Cluster is compatible with PhpMyAdmin

I have a problem with MySQL Cluster and PhpMyAdmin, i'm not able to login in PhpMyAdmin when I start MySQL Cluster but I can when I just start MySQL. Someone has any idea how to solve my prob. Thanks
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