Questions tagged [mod-security]

ModSecurity supplies an array of request and response filtering rules and other security features to the Apache HTTP Server. ModSecurity is an open source web application layer firewall.

334 questions
1 answer

Modsecurity: Whitelist requests, Block all else?

I'm just reading up about - and experimenting with - modsecurity and hoping someone can educate a little about the method behind the madness. The approach I'd ordinarily take with any firewall is to whitelist what I want to occur whilst blocking all…
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mod_security not blocking empty useragent requests

I can't get mod_security to block empty useragent requests. I am not very saavy with it so after searching I found this rule: SecMarker BEGIN_UA_CHECK SecRule &REQUEST_HEADERS:User-Agent "@eq 0"…
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Server wont let me save URLs to MySQL database?

I am posting here because all other forum say it's a server environ issue. I have a site with the ModX CMS on it hosted on a GoDaddy server (not sure about the specific setup is as client has forgotten login details). For some reason (mod_security?)…
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Fine-grained control over mod_security logging

I installed mod_security2 on several dozen servers (each with several dozen VHosts) and don't have the time to configure it for every VHost. In the default configuration, it produces copious amounts of false positives in log files, so I chose to let…
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2 answers

How to detect brute force in mod-security

I checked the core rules set in the mod-security but it's didn't contain the rules related to Brute-Force Attack!!! Did anyone know how to write the rules or the existing rules for this kind of Attack! Thanks in advanced,
1 answer

mod-security not blocking POST request

I have a mod-security compiled from source and installed on Ubuntu Server 12.04, Apache 2.2.22. I loaded the OWASP core rule set, and I can see them getting triggered on the log file /var/log/apache2/error.log with a simple POST request with…
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Nginx, ModSecurity, IP Tables blocking WordPress dos/ddos attack

For the past 14 days I have had my website being hit by millions of WordPress installs over the world which .htaccess is kind of coping with but I am trying to get something to kick them before meeting htaccess. (RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT}…
Jack J
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How i can block requests for a specific page?

I would like to completely delete or block access to a specific page in my site. More specifically, I have seen this exploit "Joomla COM_MEDIA Exploit" : and from what I see, there is…
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Mod Security2 deactivation rule only from a specified IP addresses

Is it possible to disable a rule by Mod Security2, only for one specified IP addresses? Only for one specified IP addresses & only for one specified path ( /administrator ) ? I tried this: Allow from 123.456.78.999 …
2 answers

Modsecurity Preventing Access to WSDL

I have installed mod_security with the OWASP rule set and it is now blocking my ability to call a web service using a WSDL. When my code tries to make the web service call, I see the below in the mod sec audit log (domains, IP's and file names have…
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3 answers

Mod_security - Syntax error

I have a password protected directory on my web server. To protect that from brute force attack, I tried to add the IP-Based BLocking config as below in the apache2 config file. But everytime I restart Apache2 I get syntax error. Does anyone know…
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0 answers

Nginx + mod_security without a backend server

I want to start using mod_security for Nginx. However, I have read the official doc and something got my atention: The example configuration is: location / { …
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apache2 reverse proxy broken after modsecurity is installed ubuntu on 12.04.1

this is the first time I have run into issue like this one. I have a java application setting behind a apache2 using mod_ajp on 8009. I have noticed that I could not get the client's IP so I have created another virtual host file and switched to…
black sensei
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Apache/ModSecurity - Blocking HTML Textarea with 403 when it contains a linebreak (enter key)?

I have a contact form, within this contact form is a textarea. If i fill out the contact form and in the test area, i enter one line of text, e.g. Example The form completes and i am notified via email. However, if inside of the textarea i do the…
1 answer

Modsec: Set env variable based on User-agent

Relatively new to Apache modsec. Trying to do something simple and hitting a wall. I want to set an environment variable based on the User-Agent, and test it by setting a header. I have this: SecRule HTTP_User_Agent "Gecko"…
Nathan Stretch
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