

I am a programmer, but currently work as a Linux sysadmin with some occasional programming thrown in. I've worked as a programmer in the past, using PHP, Visual Basic & C#. These programming languages were the preference of my employer, not my own.

I have some experience using the following programming languages (not in any particular order): Pascal, Delphi, C, C++, C#, Java, Basic, x86 Assembler, Z80 Assembler, PHP, Perl, Haskell, bash-script, vimscript, Javascript. Also (not really programming languages in my opinion): SQL, TeX/LaTeX, HTML.

I obviously don't have equal experience in these languages - most of the code I have written is in C, C++, Pascal, Java, Haskell. If I had the choice, I would write most of my code in Haskell, C, C++. For tasks better suited to a scripting language, I would probably choose Python, maybe Ruby or Lua. Not because I have much experience with those languages (I don't), but because my tender soul has been scarred by reading too much PHP & Perl. PHP & Perl may have their place somewhere, but most programmers (only speaking from personal experience of course, I don't claim to know all programmers) use them to produce abominations.