Questions tagged [mod-security]

ModSecurity supplies an array of request and response filtering rules and other security features to the Apache HTTP Server. ModSecurity is an open source web application layer firewall.

334 questions
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Rule 933160 violated even though it's been excluded

I've installed nginx with modsec with the following versions: Modsec verion: v3.0.3 Nginx version: 1.13.6 and I've excluded rule 933160 as followed: SecRule REQUEST_URI "@beginsWith /a/b/c/d" \ …
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Changing time format in Modsecurity log

I wonder if it's possible to change time format which Modsecurity 3 uses in its audit log. I came across that time format differs depending on SecAuditLogFormat setting. When it's Native, timezone is present: ---immbqR4e---A-- [16/Jun/2020:11:24:03…
P. D
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Apache2 mod_evasive for only one virtual host

I'm testing a scenario where, I'm hosting two-site on same machine with help of apache web server. I'm looking to enable mod_evasive for only one site. I don't see any way to get it working. Following is the scenario and things I have tried. Ubuntu…
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Modsecurity block request

How can I block in modsecurity these requests: tried SecRule REQUEST_URI "" phase:1,id:1008,log,deny,status:403 but seems like it's not working. I want to block all the requests where Host header…
Zero Hour
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specify the order of IDS , Firewall , WAF

i have an ubuntu system and i want to implement iptables as firewall, modsecurity as WAF and snort as IDS in this system and i have a server behind this system and i want to protect the server with this system. i want when the packet recieves first…
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Apache fails to boot after OWASP installation

I was trying to secure my server (apache 2.4.6 on centos 7) with mod_security and OWASP, but after following the instructions and installing OWASP, httpd fails to start with following error message: Apr 16 02:59:24 systemd[1]: Starting The Apache…
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Strange ModSecurity entries in Apache error log

I recently migrated my VPS to Plesk Onyx v17 (running on Ubuntu 14.04) and, when checked the error logs this morning, I noticed multiple records like this one: [Tue Apr 11 06:26:33.063983 2017] [:error] [pid 3306:tid 140450353870592] [client…
Mike S
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modsecurity block google bots [ Sitemap 403 error (Forbidden) ]

I am submit sitemap on google webmaster tool google bots can't read my site. Error webmaster tool: modsec_audit.log: Please tell me how to fix this problem.
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Clone http traffic to another port on same server transparently

I am experimenting with following setup. Clone/copy (but not redirect) all incoming HTTP requests from port 80 to another port say 8080 on same machine. I have a simple NGINX + Lua based WAF which is listening on 8080. Essentially, I am running two…
Iornman l
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Nginx with mod_security on EC2

I am looking to get some ideas and see what others are doing in terms of managing/keeping updated Nginx + mod_security on EC2 instances. The catch with this is that mod_security needs to be compiled and then Nginx needs to be compiled with…
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Blocking request with query string

I'm an under a DDoS attack though I have cloud flare.. I found out that the attacker is accessing the server using query strings "?a=randomnumber" I don't use query strings in my website so I need to block any IP that tries to add query string in…
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You don't have permission to access /on this server

I created a form in joomla with 2000 fields but when I submit the form it gives me: error-- You don't have permission to access /en/soccer-player-update on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an…
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hosting provider web server blocks certain url string by using mod security

I have a blog which has a post with the following as url /blog/insert-into-tablea-select-fields-from-tableb-for-specific-values-only/ This was working well until recently. I got a different HTTP Status like 412 Precondition Failed which is not…
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gotroot mod_security rules

Are the gotroot mod_security rules any good? I've heard that you will get a lot of false positives and before I try and use them on a live box just wanted to know if anyone else has experience with them.
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Is ModSecurity intended for authentication or WAF?

What's the designed purpose of modsecurity for Apache/Nginx? Does it play the role of authentication (Basic/Forms/Cookie)? From my research, it appears to be a Web Application Firewall feature. The features like Authentication are best left to the…
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