Questions tagged [mod-security]

ModSecurity supplies an array of request and response filtering rules and other security features to the Apache HTTP Server. ModSecurity is an open source web application layer firewall.

334 questions
1 answer

Apache server crashes due to bandwidth spike issue

The problem I am facing is that my Website (hosted on a dedicated VPS) was working fine for last 6 months. However from last two days, it gets huge spikes of DATA coming in and this causes server to crash. The hosting company shutdowns my server. I…
1 answer

mod_security: How to allow ssh/http access for admin?

I am going to be installing mod_security on my AWS EC2 Linux instance tonight and need a little help/reassurance. The only thing I am truly worried about right now is making sure my (admin) access to the instance and webserver is maintained w/o…
1 answer

ModSecurity error on wordpress wp-login rules

I have made i ModSecurity rule for apache to protect wordpress, but it have some error, so please suggest me some modification to work it fine. # This has to be global, cannot exist within a directory or location clause . . . SecAction…
1 answer

how i configuration mod_security?

when i setup mod_security default configuration then if anyone go wordpress admin panel and change any code or some modified then his ip block. why? my all customer complain for this problem. how i can solve this. i want if anyone change anything…
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