Questions tagged [mod-php]

56 questions
0 answers

How to debug strange HTTP/PHP server behavior (garbled text in some files)

This is a weird one. I'm administering a FreePBX server using their standard CentOS 7 based distribution running in a virtual machine. Every so often (usually a few months in between occurrences), the dashboard or User Control Panel (UCP) will stop…
Dominic P
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2 answers

Is it possible to find information on apache_mod_php processes under /proc?

I have an apache2 server with apache2_mod_php installed. Is there a way for me to determine from the information under /proc (or elsewhere), which apache processes are currently executing the php module, and which VirtualHost is responsible? …
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Apache 2.4 w/ PHP 7: PHP7.1-FPM and/or libapache2-mod-fastcgi

I am in the process of upgrading a web server from using the slower, resource-intensive mod_php, and all has been well, until I noticed that PHP 7.1 is running successfully using only the php7.1-fpm package (from ondrej/php repository), without…
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Apache mod_filter + PHP (mod_php)

I'm trying to configure my server to automatically insert a tracking code (Piwik) to all pages served. I'm using both static sites and some PHP sites. I've used the following method found on Piwik forums, which is based on mod_filter and…
Jan Hadáček
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Apache strace getsockname call is slow

While load testing I am getting almost 100% CPU usage by Apache processes. To find out the root cause I attached Apache process with strace and found slow calls. 11840 0.000063 accept4(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(34640),…
Bobur Meliev
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Varnish backend slow-start

The situation: I'm using Varnish in front of some heavy loaded mod-php apache servers. When a cold (empty xcache, cold template cache) apache gets started, the server may overload because of too many requests. The question: Is there any way to have…
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Apache becomes unconnectable after certain time?

After maybe ~20 minutes it seems like my apache server becomes unconnectable. By unconnectable, I mean if I curl any page, it just results in nothing for 2-3 minutes and then nothing ever shows up. I'm forced to restart apache to make it usable. The…
meder omuraliev
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Changing Php's Handler Name

On my apache server I'd like to run multiple versions of PHP concurrently so that I can easily switch between them depending on the needs of the project. I noticed that some shared hosting providers who offer multiple versions of PHP require you to…
Bailey Parker
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Does PHP take advantage of APC if run as apache module with prefork?

I have installed APC, but I am not observing as big an impact on performance as I expected. Actually, I'm not sure I'm observing any benefit, though maybe it's just because the cpu time spent in interpreting php code is negligible compared to the…
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Effect of PHP memory limit on Apache2 workers

As you would have guessed I have a server setup with mod_php and Apache2 (prefork) with APC . The site receives decent amount of traffic daily and on highest being 280-290 users at the same time. A few days back I started to notice "Can't Allocate…
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From suPHP to mod_php

I have a Centos6 64-bit server, Apache/2.2.15, PHP5.3.3, one IP and four name-based virtual hosts and SSL/SNI to provide https in addition to http. All those hosts are assigned to different linux users. I have root access to server and all those…
1 answer

Apache prefork vs. workder - what is wrong with my settings?

I have installed PHP as an Apache module. I have had prefork running all this while. I've read that worker would consume less memory while offer higher performance]1. So, I've edited /etc/sysconfig/httpd and…
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Configuring Apache vhost to process PHP files

Possible Duplicate: Apache not parsing files? Just sending downloads Description Now I have setup up a site in Apache using vhost. If I request something it response me a PHP file raw. Question How should I configure my vhost to process PHP…
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Mod_Perl AddType .pl execution on apache

I've recently been using PHP via mod_php, and I assumed that getting mod_perl running properly was going to require a similar setup: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php unfortunately this does nothing with mod_perl using: AddType…
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(Serving PHP) Does Apache2 will create new thread on every connection?

Based on many online sources, in serving static files, Apache2 will create new thread on every different connection... results in resource hungry But how about serving PHP through Apache2 (mod_php, MPM worker, etc)? Does apache will also open new…
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