Questions tagged [mod-auth-mysql]

8 questions
1 answer

diagnosing errors with mod_auth_mysql

So I installed mod_auth_mysql via the following: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql sudo a2enmod auth_mysql sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart I updated my .htaccess file to make it connect to the DB as well but it's not working. Here's…
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1 answer

How can I control log messages for Apache (specifically, auth_mysql module & WSGI)?

On an Ubuntu 10.04 server w/ Apache2, I have auth_mysql turned on, and I am getting [debug] messages showing up. How can I turn these off? I'm guessing there is a way to turn this off for the module, as well as for all 'debug' messages. I am…
Dolan Antenucci
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2 answers

generate apache compatible password with mysql

I am currently in the process of migrating an old webserver. The old server uses basic auth with users stored in a mysql table and mod_auth_mysql enabled. The password ist stored with apaches build in sha1 function SELECT sha1('secret') which works…
Jürgen Steinblock
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1 answer

WebDav; Restrict to directory on a per-user or per-group basis?

Using Apache / WebDAV / mod_auth_mysql, is it possible to restrict users' (or groups') access to specific directories as defined in the MySQL auth table? More specifically, I would like to specify which directories a WebDAV user is allowed to access…
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Apache mod_dav_svn, AuthzSVNAccessFile equivalent in SQL

In the process of moving away from flat configuration files, I'm seeking for the equivalent of AuthzSVNAccessFile directive, using SQL (MySQL preferred). I am well aware of mod_auth_mysql, but it's for user auth only. Any idea how I can achieve…
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Courier Authentication Library with MySQL Authentication - Unable to configure

I'm building a replica of a production server for migrating it to a Virtual environmnet. I do not want to just copy it as it is a 32 bit CentOS 5, and I upgraded it to CentOS 6 64bit. I managed to replicate mysql and maintain it as a slave of the…
Mike B
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1 answer

Subversion and BugZilla sharing accounts problem

I installed bugzilla and subversion on my server. I'd like them to share accounts. So I googled and found this post here. I installed mod_auth_mysql, applying patch for apache 2.2.3 but it doesn't work. When look into error logs of my apache, I…
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1 answer

How do I allow users from a specific group only to access (apache2, mysqli)?

I'm trying to set up an authentication system based on basic apache2 auth. For this I configured mod_authn_dbd to use a mysqli database set up like this:…