Questions tagged [mime-type]

71 questions
1 answer

css files are reported as text/plain by mimetype on ubuntu machine

When I run the following command mimetype -DM --database /usr/share/misc/magic /path/to/reset.css I expect to see text/css as a result but instead I get text/plain. Is there a way to fix this? mimetype man page. EDIT Removing -M didn't change…
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Limit file upload per type with NGinx

In my project, I will allow users to send zip files and images files (on two different form post). The project is developed with Play! Framework (not PHP). I'd like to limit the size of upload for 1MB if it's images, and 10MB if it's zip. Is this…
Cyril N.
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Adding a new IIS Mime Type without doing an IIS Reset?

I have to add a new mime type to an IIS 6.0 web server. The client would like this done ASAP as it currently isn't serving .flv files. However, the server is used for other clients and I would like to avoid doing an IIS Reset during working…
Robin Day
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2 answers

How to make NGINX server JSON files with the type application/json instead of text/plain?

My server is serving my "manifest.json" file as text/plain which means the browser can't read it. There is definitely a line for it in /etc/nginx/config/mime.types application/json json; But I can see in chrome dev tools that…
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Have files with querystring included in their name. Need nginx to ignore querystring for the content header

Have a directory with lots of files. These are all static files from backups. The issue is that some files that are named like the following: mystyle.css?version=3.3.1 When serving the files, nginx is not detecting the file is a css, and thus…
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IIS How to allow a single file as browsable

I'm using IIS 7.5 and my goal to allow this one json file as browsable however I don't want any other json files to be accessible when navigating through the URL, therefore the typical IIS 404 page would appear. I'm aware that you can allow all json…
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2 answers

Lotus Domino HTTP: Define MIME types

My Lotus Domino 9.0 server serves the application cache manifest as application/octet-stream, where the browser expects text/cache-manifest. I only found examples how to add a MIME type to Apache and IIS. Do you know how to add a MIME type to Domino…
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3 answers

Apache reverse proxy AH01597: could not open mime types config file

I'm trying to configure Apache HTTP server 2.4 as a reverse proxy on RHEL 7 server. When Apache starts up it complains in its log file (/var/log/httpd/error_log): AH01597: could not open mime types config file /etc/httpd/conf/mime.types. I'm…
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1 answer

IIS ignoring mime-type settings and serving file as application/octet-stream

We added both handlers and mime-types for IIS in the web.config to tell the server how to handle the different types of audio and video files we are using on the site. IIS does not seem to be respecting these mime-types, but is rather reverting to…
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0 answers

change mime type for one user agent

I'm trying to overwrite the mime type of a file for a specific User Agent only (Chrome) and leave the default for the others (Firefox). Options +Indexes IndexOptions -FancyIndexing Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" RewriteEngine…
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1 answer

Mime Magic on files without extension on Apache/2.2.31 and mod_wsgi 3.4

Sorry in advance for the length, thanks for your patience. I have an ancient production server that no one knows how it was built. It uses apache+mod_wsgi to run a Cherry Py python application to serve images. I'm recreating it to document it and…
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Ngingx returns 404 on local .ttf font

I have a local .ttf font which I need to use. I have tried to edit mime-types application/x-font-truetype ttfl also tried application/x-font-ttf ttf; And mysite.conf looks like this: server { listen 80; server_name…
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Set content-type header for jsonp in htaccess

I'm having trouble with a 3rd-party javascript game that is installed on my site, where the content-type response header being returned is application/json rather than application/javascript for a resource being requested as jsonp. This doesn't seem…
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MIME/Content type changed after change in server

This is my first question so I apologize if I my post has any mistakes. I've searched about this issue for close to two days now and I still only am a bit closer than I was before.Here is my problem. We have a website developed using .net 4.5 that…
1 answer

video/mp4 vs video/mpeg mime type

I need to add some .mp4 videos to a course in my LMS (Moodle) on a Windows 2008 R2 server. I'm using IIS 7.5 as the web server. While searching the www for the correct way to do it I've found several references that say you should use "Mime Type =…
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