Questions tagged [mime-type]

71 questions
1 answer

How do I proxy based on MIME type?

How do I proxy a file in Apache based on its MIME type? I want to use PHP-FPM with FastCGI but the recommended solution using ProxyPassMatch is clunky, a pain to work with, and all around unfavorable. How would I go about proxying based on MIME type…
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Error 404 or 500 when downloading large static JSON file in IIS 7

What I wanted to do was fairly simple you would think. Create static json file so browsers can cache output and you don't have to poll the database for large chunks of data. So I created a JSON file test.json with the content [{"frut":1}] (My actual…
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IIS 404 Not Found for only SOME resources...same permisions set

I am pretty stumped because IIS is returning 404 not found for a handful of resources, but not others. I checked the permissions to make sure they are set exactly the same way. The paths are also the same, all in an assets folder. The Build Action…
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GIF loses mime type with Apache rewrite

Got problem with a gif that loses it's animation with the rewrites I'm doing. RewriteRule ^journal/(.+)\.(jpeg|jpg|png|mp4|webm|ogv)$ app/uploads/journal/$1 [QSA,L] RewriteRule ^journal/(.+)\.(gif)$ app/uploads/journal/$1 [QSA,L,T=image/gif] For…
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NGINX downloads text file instead of displaying it

I have Nginx installed with the following nginx.conf: user nginx; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /var/run/; events { worker_connections 1024; } http { include …
Hoang Lam
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How to correct the MIME type from being recognized as text/x-asm to text/css?

The styles.css file is not loading on my web page, and I am hosting on Amazon S3. It appears that my styles.css file is being recognized as text/x-asm instead of text/css as stated in my index.html file:
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Enable gzip for source maps

I'm using the Grunt plugins to concat, minify and generate source maps of my Javascript before I push it to the production server (I'll soon be doing the same with SASS for CSS). The source maps generated are plain text but with an file 'extension'…
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2 answers

Apache sometimes showing blank page

I am setting up an Ubuntu 12.04 server with a LAMP stack on a VPS for the very first time. My problem is that Apache refuses to show PHP pages I upload to the server, there's just a blank page. The strange thing is that PHP pages that I create…
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Create Exception on Mime filtering on squid

I have a server with the operating system Ubuntu 12:04 LTS version. I also paired the squid version 3.1.19 on my server. with the client about 30 units. to prevent my clients to download any files and streaming, I use acl xxx rep_mime_type…
Heri YT
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How do you configure the mime_content_type() function to work correctly in php5?

I have a ubuntu 9.04 desktop that i'm using for my development machine with apache2 installed. What are the steps that I need to go through to ensure that the mime types for files are determined correctly? Currently all files are resolving to a…
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How Nginx can open all ASP files as text/html?

I've a lot of files with ASP extension running on linux, but I can't rename. The content of that files is HTML, but when I open, the Nginx takes me to download. Does anyone know what I can insert on Nginx to open ASP files as text/html?
Caio Tarifa
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How does lighttpd/nginx determine filetype of a file? (which method?)

I want to configure my lighttpd to serve some static files, with compression capability. The files are plain text but they have .bin extension. I have these lines in my lighttpd configuration: compress.cache-dir =…
Reza Mohammadi
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Subversion: Wrong global-ignores / can't see mime-types

I'm currently testing Subversion on a Server. As you can see in my config file below, I did following edits: A: I added global ignores: global-ignores = *thumb.db *.tmp B: I enabled auto-props and added some extensions to be set as a specific…
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Wrong mime-type for css and js files

I am new to Apache. I have almost no knowledge of apache. I am using apache 2.2.11. I have one css file and multiple .js files which i am uploading to a remote storage with a php page(PHP - 5.2.8). When i am using function mime_content_type to get…
Ruchit Rami
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xdg-mime returns "xprop: unable to open display '' "

I'm attempting to track down a problem with a particular CSS file being returned as text/html instead of text/css. file -mime install.css returns some less useful info: install.css: text/x-c; charset=us-ascii So I was encouraged to use xdg-mime…
a coder
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