When I run the following command mimetype -DM --database /usr/share/misc/magic /path/to/reset.css I expect to see text/css as a result but instead I get text/plain. Is there a way to fix this?

EDIT Removing -M didn't change anything

root@srv /var/www/vhosts/zf2skeleton # mimetype -D --database /usr/share/misc/magic module/Application/public/css/bootstrap.min.css 
> Data dirs are: /usr/share/misc/magic
> Checking inode type
WARNING: You don't seem to have a mime-info database. The
shared-mime-info package is available from http://freedesktop.org/ .
> Checking globs for basename 'bootstrap.min.css'
> Checking for extension '.min.css'
> Checking for extension '.css'
> File exists, trying default method
module/Application/public/css/bootstrap.min.css: text/plain
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1 Answers1


The manpage you linked to says it looks in the following locations for the database:


You can maybe figure out how to add an entry for CSS by looking at those directories.

After updating you have to run update-mime-database


You're using the -M switch which means it won't look at the file extension. It will look at the contents of the file only. A CSS file doesn't have a consistent header though so I doubt that will work.

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