Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Questions on serverfault should be about management estates of many Excel instances, Excel formulas on superuser and coding with VBA on stackoverflow

83 questions
1 answer

ORA-01019 under Win 8.1 / Server 2012 R2, ODBC Excel

We getting error message ORA-01019 when trying to connect to an Oracle 9.2 database with ODBC in an Excel macro running in Office 2013 32bit (!!!) under Windows 8.1. We are having the same issue under Windows Server 2012 R2. We have tried several…
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GPO to configure Excel 2013?

Using Excel 2013 (Office 2013, 32-bit, per MS recommendation) on Windows 7 Professional, 64bit in a Server 2008R2 domain. When trying to open an Excel 2013 document, we're getting the error box: There was a problem sending the command to the…
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2 answers

Is an ms-sql/excel connection two way?

When I connect to an external data source on my MS-SQL server using Excel, is it solely an import, or can I edit the data residing on the MS-SQL server right from Excel? I have a user (the DBA, funny enough) that swears up and down that it's doable,…
2 answers

Error when importing spreadsheet, Sharepoint

I recieve "An unexpected error has occurred. (-2147352567)" when i try to import a spreadsheet to create a sharepoint list. My setup is MOSS 2007, Office 2007 and Vista. Any suggestions would be great! Thanks.
1 answer

Is WSUS 3 .xls export broken?

Trying to get an update analysis report done and the canned reports in WSUS isn't cutting it. When you view a report, you have 2 export options; Excel and PDF. Excel is preferable because I can easily throw into an Access DB (or any other RDMS),…
Chad Harrison
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SQL server management studio 2005: Still can't copy column headers(checked option to include it already)!

I already changed the option to include column headers(Tools->option->results to grid->include column headers). Yet if I copy paste a Table or SQL query grid data results into Excel, i don't export the column names. How do I get column names to be…
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How to print/copy the output of a command on IRONPORT

I have to take health checks every day from ironport servers and store some information regarding the server's status at that point of time on a excel sheet. How can I automate this process. I have been able to login to the server through a batch…
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6 answers

Hiding SQL Server 2005 system objects/schemas from Microsoft Query

End users in my company frequently use Microsoft Query (through Excel) to perform ad-hoc queries of selected SQL Server databases. As we move to SQL Server 2005 on the backend, we are discovering that MS Query lists all objects from all schemas,…
Ed Leighton-Dick
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2 answers

Troubleshooting server performance with a hosted server?

We are in a tough spot, we have a hosted server with the following specs: OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1 64bit Processor: Intel Xeon X7550 @ 2GHz (8 processors) RAM: 16GB The file system is on a SAN or NAS (not sure). We are seeing very…
2 answers

What could slow Excel on one PC but not another?

I have 2 PC with the same configuration. I open an Excel File (~5M) on the network from both PC. The opening is not the fastest but that's ok. The problem is that on one PC, Excel is really slow. I mean if I hit the left arrow 10 times, I will have…
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How to open Office documents in Browser

I have an intranet where I want to configure all Excel/Word documents to open in the browser window. How do I change this setting for all users?
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2 answers

Local Save in Excel with iManage add-in

Using iManage (AKA Filesite, Worksite) 8.5 and Excel 2007. Having trouble saving documents locally. Saving into iManage works fine, but trying to export documents to a local directory using 'local save' triggers an error. No 'save as' dialog is…
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2 answers

I have a KMS/MAC key for Excel 2010, where can I download the media?

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? I need to get the stand alone version of Excel 2010 installed on a server. I have the KMS/MAC key for it but I can't find the media to download anywhere. All I can find is…
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1 answer

Exporting XML Spreadsheet as XML data from Mac Microsoft Excel 2011

I want to use an XML file to facilitate data imports into an Oracle APEX application. The primary reason why I want to use XML is that some of the fields in the Excel spreadsheet could contain many commas which would plague a Comma-separated-value…
Chris Dix
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1 answer

"An error has occurred" when opening xlsx files on Sharepoint 2010

We just recently installed and have been using SharePoint 2010 and have run into a bit of a problem opening Excel spreadsheets with the xlsx extension. We are able to upload a spreadsheet with the xlsx extension, however, when we attempt to download…
Mike Messina
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