Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Questions on serverfault should be about management estates of many Excel instances, Excel formulas on superuser and coding with VBA on stackoverflow

83 questions
1 answer

Excel Macro : Run-time error '1004' General Mail Failure

We are planning to upgrade all our users to Outlook 2010 and Exchange 2010 soon but have run into a few headaches with the Outlook migration. We have an Excel spreadsheet that is basically an expense report that automatically gets emailed to the…
1 answer

Why Are Excel 2010 Files Locked By Logged-Off Or Account-Disabled Users

I manage IT for a medium sized company that shares a lot of Excel 2010 files between users at various times of the day. We're using a Terminal Server environment (S2008R2). Sometimes, a user will try to open an Excel file and get the message that…
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2 answers

Excel 2010, SQL Server & PowerPivot Add-On - Anyone have feedback?

We're in the process of developing a SQL Server reporting model that integrates with the new Excel 2010. Questions: Has anyone used the new Power Pivot addon? What's your experience been like with it? How user friendly is it? What additional…
3 answers

Excel 2003 Shared Document Freezes

We have a few users who are sharing a rather large excel file (70 megs) via a network drive. If they save the file after each tiny modification, then there are no problems. But if they try to do a bunch (as little as 10), Excel hangs when they try…
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Excel techniques for perfmon csv log file analysis

I have perfmon running against several servers, where I'm outputting to a .csv file data like CPU %time, memory bytes free, hard disk I/O metrics like s/write and writes/s. The ones graphing the SQL servers are also collecting SQL stats. The web…
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Signing Excel .XLSM-documents, expiring code signing certificates and trusted publishers

Short: Is there anyway to trust a certificate or publisher, so that the trust remains even after the certificate has expired? Much longer: We develop (among other things) Excel documents for a number of customers. The documents contain VBA-macros.…
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Can not run EXCEL.EXE with “runas”, it says: “1312: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.”

I need to run EXCEL.EXE with a user different than current one; previously I have been doing this without any issues using "runas", but after updating the system to Windows 10 Pro version 2004 (19041.508) this method is not working anymore. This is…
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Office 16 ADMX Policy Won't Pull on GPO

The title might not do my issue any justice, so here goes; Anytime a new user opens an Excel instance, a small dialog pops up asking them to accept the licensing and update terms: The user's first instinct is to click the X button on this dialog,…
2 answers

Publishing an Excel spreadsheet using Microsoft SBS 2008 to a web page that is viewable by mobile phones (not necessarily smart phones)

I am getting well out of my “superuser” depth here and would love some support. At work we have an Excel workbook (*.xls format circa Office 2003) which maintains our “engineers” timesheet. This handles what events we are doing across the year and…
Dave Heath
1 answer

Mismatch of pin rules for domain

I see some of those logs in my windows eventlog (Windows 10) 05/31/2017 07:44:03 AM LogName=Application SourceName=Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2 EventCode=4114 EventType=2 Type=Error ComputerName=VIE-TABSI-VM.PSC.local TaskCategory=The operation completed…
0 answers

Systematically launch a GUI software in Windows Server

In a calculation provided by my Windows server, I have to make Microsoft Excel involve because of technology limitations: I need to systematically open Excel inside the server, read content of an Excel file to generate a txt file, and then close the…
2 answers

Powrshell Script to read the Windows Secutiry logs and filter Elevation type 196 and 1937

I have a powershell script that reads the elevation type and displays the content in powershell window. However I need to put the contents in Excel file. Please help. cls $evtLogEntries=$null $WorkDir =…
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Intermittent Excel issue of "file locked for editing" not showing when it should

Current setup: 3 app servers (2008 r2, terminal services XenApp 6.5), 2 file servers (2008 r2). Situation: user1 opens up an excel file that is on server1 and starts to work. user2 goes to open that same file, and does NOT get a message that the…
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Office Interope Needs IIS restart-Windows Server2008R2-IIS7

I have an application hosted at Windows server 2008R2 with IIS7 with MS Excel2013 32bit. This application uses Excel application to convert excel sheets to webpages. It works fine until user keeps using it. but if no user uses application for an…
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Excel 2013 Power Pivot RemoteApp - limited by 4 concurrent users?

We're trying to use Excel 2013 (64bit) + Power Pivot via RemoteApp. The problem we're having is basically the same as described this TechNet thread. 4 concurrent users have no problem using Power Pivot, the 5th person gets this error: "Couldn't load…