Questions tagged [microsoft-excel]

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Microsoft Office Excel is a spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and macOS. It features calculation, graphing tools, sorting and filtering data, pivot tables and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).

Questions on serverfault should be about management estates of many Excel instances, Excel formulas on superuser and coding with VBA on stackoverflow

83 questions
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Slow opening of Excel files on the network

This week, we had an issue with Excel files opening slowly on the network. Some, despite being only 21K over 1000BT, took as much as 5 minutes to open. They opened fine locally. Someone beat me to posting this on one of the sister sites, but since…
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When ran as a scheduled task, cannot save an Excel workbook when using Excel.Application COM object in PowerShell

I'm having an issue where I've automated creating an Excel.Application COM object, add some data into a workbook, and then saving the document as an xlsx. This works fine if: I'm already in Powershell interactive host and either run each command…
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How to export AD security list to Excel

How can I export the security member's list from a security group to an excel sheet. I've found some code on the web but I would need an UI or a software that can do this. I'm open to Powershell tho... Regards, D.
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Prevent Office apps from saving to OneDrive by default

In an upcoming update to Office 365, desktop apps will default to save in OneDrive rather the local drive or redirected profile. This is obviously going to be a pain to have to teach every user this new behavior and show them how to change the…
3 answers

Batch script to export info from Active Directory (name, phone numbers, location, etc) into a csv file

The secretary at my work uses a spreadsheet that lists names, phone numbers, and locations of employees to look up info if someone asks. All this info is located in AD, but the problem is that we are a rapidly growing company, and people change…
James F
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Unable to remove "Run this program as an administrator" (greyed out) with Excel 2010

I have issue with one of the user in Terminal Server 2008 R2 who has "Run this program as an administrator" checked and greyed out with Excel 2010. This causes UAC to popup requesting for administrator credential whenever user want to start excel. I…
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Add an Excel file as a linked server in SQL 2012

I'm trying to add a linked server to an Excel 2010 file from SQL Server 2012. Every reference I've found online for doing this is using older versions of SQL Server, and the driver that they tell you to use 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', is not present…
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Shared Excel WorkBook is locked by another user

I’ve been trying everything; this is the last chance I have. I moved folders and files from an old Windows Server 2003 File Server to a new FS (Win Server 2008 R2) with DFS and ABE enabled. Now, a specific Shared Excel file is driving me crazy, out…
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Excel users get error message when opening files located on Windows server

We recently copied all of the shared files for one of our departments from a Sharepoint 2010 document repository to a regular Windows shared folder on a Windows 2008 R2 server. When people try to open some files, they get an error message which…
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3 answers

Office 2011, Mac OS Lion, Excel creates temporary file on Windows server 2008, SMB share how to stop?

I have an issue with Macs and a windows SMB share, when using Excel 2011. If I open an excel document from the windows share it will create a "Ghost file" starting with ~$ then the full filename e.g :: If I opened testdoc.xlsx a ghost file will be…
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Pushing Information into a Networked/Shared Read-Only Excel File Used by Multiple People

We have a pretty unique situation at work. We have order takers who take orders and each individual references the same shared read-only excel document on a network storage drive. This excel document contains multiple sheets that has prices and…
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Why Does Excel 2010 Leave A Trail Of TMP Files?

I am losing hard drive space because of some deep, dark phenomenon being caused by Excel 2010. It seems like every time a user opens or closes a file, or maybe if Excel crashes (I haven't figured out which), a fairly sizable TMP file (usually…
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Finding an Excel spreadsheet to plan GPO deployment

My boss gave me a spreadsheet that he says he found from MSFT somewhere. The problem is the spreadsheet is for 2003 GPOs and I need to find one for 2008. The spreadsheet lists all of the available Group Policy Editors Nodes, as well as the policy…
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MS Excel not installed after uninstalling Crystal Reports Viewer

I recently tried out the free Crystal Reports Viewer. I installed it on my work computer, but it didn't load (crashed on the EULA agreement of all places). After uninstalling the viewer, however, MS Excel 2003 does 3 things: "An error occurred…
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How can a user re-lock an excel file when he isn't here today?

There are a dozen questions already about Microsoft Office files being locked from editing, but not this exact question. So I hope it won't get marked as a duplicate. I went into Computer Management this morning and connected to a server so I could…
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