Questions tagged [messaging]

30 questions
1 answer

PUB/SUB Message Queue with server side filtering?

I am looking for a message queue to realize a chat application. The most important requirement is: when a subscriber specifies a filter criteria, all the messages need to be filtered on the server side. Unfortunately I don't find definite answers to…
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Clustered JBoss Messaging, XA-recovery: JMSSecurityException

I'm trying to set up clustered jboss-messaging with XA-recovery on a basic non-clustered, default server config (we only want clustered messaging, the rest is stateless with failover only) on JBoss EAP 4.3 (CP04). When I add XA-recovery I get the…
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Rabbitmq server not picking value from rabbitmq.conf file

I am using the latest version of RabbitMQ for clustering. I was setting some custom values and parameters on nodes via rabbitmq.conf file by placing it inside the /etc/rabbitmq directory and then restarting rabbitmq-server, but when I verify it…
1 answer

Kafka Producer & Consumer hosts

Would Kafka Producer & Consumer hosts can be same. Suppose if I've producers like host1,host2 & host3. Can I use same host1, host2 & host3 as consumers? What are the consequences/challenges if I use producers & consumers as same hosts.
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What is correct way to send GET query with access_token to the Matrix Synapse server with CURL ?

What is correct way to send GET query with access_token to the Matrix Synapse server? curl -k -G -X 'GET' -H 'X-Auth-Token: MDAyMGxvY2F0aW9uIG1hdHJpeC5qZG1ncm91cC5wb' -H 'Content-type: application/json'…
Roman Koval
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Run a bash script on a web request

I am developing an application which would require me to execute a bash script on a remote server when my users give me a command through a web interface. I need suggestions on how I can run a bash script on a remote server when I get a command on…
Kanishk Dudeja
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ibm domino server field is too large

we have a Domino server with one database. When a user tries to send a message to a local user group the server returns an error: Field is too large (32k) or views column & selection formulas are too large: SERVERNAME The group…
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Writing a Script to Delete JMS Queus in Websphere

suppose I have the following JMS queues "doc/queue1","home/queue2" and "someOtherQueue" added in a websphere process server, how can I write a script to delete them? looking around the web i haven't found a solution to my problem yet unfortunately,…
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3 answers

Experience with IM logging / proxy setups

We have a demand for inter office messaging and while the couple of people who use it right now use AIM we realize the possibility for abuse with this setup is quite high. We are hoping to use some sort of logging system as a deterrent. Could you…
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2 answers

No messages transferred to Dominoserver?

We have two Lotus Domino servers, both running latest version 8.5.3. in one of the servers we get the below messages on the server console all the time. We have no problems with mail routing, evrything is working fine, but I want to get rid of these…
Thomas Adrian
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2 answers

Sending message across the network

Possible Duplicate: Send message to another Computer through Network via CmdLine In Windows XP, we had net send. The replacement is supposed to be a command line utility called msg. However when I try to test this using the following…
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How do I create an Exchange/Outlook rule to copy user's Sent Items to their Personal Folders counterpart?

I have yet to meet an user dedicated enough to keep his/her mailbox tidy, not to mention moving sent messages to the PST in order to keep the storage quota in shape. The most common reason being that they just don't find an easy way to create a Rule…
Nano Taboada
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Check health of my system such as database connections, mainframe connections, messaging services etc

I am so new to this topic that I am not even sure I am asking it correctly but I will give my best. We have number of applications talking to databases such as Oracle and Mainframe and uses messaging services. I wonder if there is some tool or a…
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I have a IP address with some open services. How could I contact the owner?

After having serious problems (DNS incident) I found out an IP address of a machine. Is it in any way possible to contact the owner without knowing anything else like email, domain name or website? I scanned it via nmap and found some services…
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How do i send message alert from server

In my application I need to send a sms from server when the user is inserted some data. This should be sent from server to the mobile number. Is there any ways to do this? I need something like Bank message alert for credit/debit. Someone can say…
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