Questions tagged [memcache]

113 questions
1 answer

Two websites in different servers has same cookie_domain but is not sharing session

I have two different sites that has their own server. Site#2 sends request to Site#1 for logging customer in. Request contains Allow Crendentials Header and response is status 200. Both sites has same memcache COOKIE_DOMAIN but for some reason…
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How to tell if memcache was flushed programatically?

How can I tell if memcache was flushed programatically? If I issues a echo flush_all | netcat localhost 11211 to memcache how can I tell it actually worked? I am writing some code to flush all servers and want to make sure they all received the…
Elijah Lynn
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2 answers

Centos 6.8 memcached not found

Installed latest version of memcached(1.4.28) with these instructions: wget tar -xzf memcached-1.4.13.tar.gz cd memcached-1.4.13 ./configure make && make install I've got the module in…
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"Memcache can't connect, connection refused (111)"?

First of all... I must say, I don't know much about servers. I'm the kind of php developer that don't use command lines very often. I'm very uncomfortable in the Terminal. However, I'm learning. I'm not used to have my websites on dedicated servers…
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Why memcached takes much more memory than specified in its configuration

I have set Item Size to 128M and Maximum Memory to 1024M in my memcached configuration. But when I run this command: ps -eo pmem,pcpu,vsize,pid,cmd | sort -k 1 -nr | head -5 I get 71.7 0.0 3072592 4537 /usr/bin/memcached -vv -m 1024 -p 11211 -u…
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Couchbase Community Edition as a Cache

It is mentioned here( that couchbase can be used as the caching layer. I am supposed to use the community edition for my caching layer. As found in Internet, there are many large scale organizatios are using for heavy…
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Right way to configure memcache

I'm trying to change memcache memory size limit in my CentOS env. I've examined other questions and found out there SHOULD be a file, which is mostly under /etc/sysconfig/memcached and if not I should be able to find it with locate. Both didn't work…
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Can memcache invoke a script to reload itself after startup on Ubuntu?

Since memcache stores everything in ram, it will lose its store after a node recovers from failure. Does memcache offer a hook to invoke a script after it starts up? We want that script to do "something", either hit an external service, etc., to…
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Which one is better to query from - loopback-ip or interface-ip?

I have memcache server listing on I have to query the memcached server from the same box. Which one do you think is better: querying from or from interface-ip:11211. Please explain why also ?
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1 answer

how to uncompress memcached content via nginx?

I'm using memcached to store html content ready for nginx to display but I'm getting the compressed output in the browser. It works if I turn off compression in PHP but doubles the response time which is the key part here so ideally I'd like to keep…
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Incrementing values, alternate way of doing this that won't use MySQL

I need to count impressions of a .php script that is accessed via web. Right now I do this in a 1 line MySQL table and just increment the value. This works fine usually but when the server has traffic bursts (hundreds of requests/second) everything…
Alex Flo
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3 answers

I enabled mem_cache and cache then disabled them, now my apache2 server won't respond

Yikes. I just attempted to enable cache and mem_cache using sudo a2enmod mem_cache and sudo a2enmod cache on my Ubuntu lucid server. Now my apache2 server doesn't respond at all. I tried sudo a2dismod cache and sudo a2dismod mem_cache but now…
1 answer

Nginx with memcache module fallback to upstreams

I want to use nginx with the memcache module to check my memcache server first then if the key is not found then to fallback to my upstream servers. I see lots of examples of proxing to multiple upstream servers (e.g. round robin), but can I…
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Can a slow database cause a web app to hold up a memcache connection?

I have a php application that uses memcache and a back-end database At times we see high "current connections" in memcache and can't determine why. Why php "misses" from memcache and needs to go to the backend db, does it keep a mem cache…
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3 answers

Role of Varnish cache

Right now I'm using nginx together with APC for php cache and memcache for mysql cache. I was wondering what Varnish cache can do in my existing environment as I am thinking to implement varnish, any thoughts?