Questions tagged [couchbase]

Couchbase Server is a distributed, key-value ("NoSQL") database management system incorporating a view-based querying and retrieval system, designed to store the information for web applications. Couchbase Server provides a managed in-memory caching tier, so that it supports very fast create, store, update and retrieval operations.


Couchbase Server is a distributed, key-value ("NoSQL") database management system incorporating a view-based querying and retrieval system, designed to store the information for web applications. Couchbase Server provides a managed in-memory caching tier, so that it supports very fast create, store, update and retrieval operations.

Couchbase Server 2 has some new significant features and improvements:

  • Flexible JSON Documents - The JSON document model reduces development friction. Instead of imposing rigid schemas and high-stakes migrations, a document database can accept new fields as requirements shift.
  • Cross Datacenter Replication* - To offer a truly high-performance experience to a worldwide audience, you'll need multiple points of presence. Replication also provides resilience in the face of infrastructure failures.
  • Indexing and Querying - See inside your data using powerful secondary indexes. Couchbase mantains the index and distributes your data and queries across the cluster.
  • Incremental Map Reduce - Incremental map reduce provides powerful aggregates and summaries, even with large datasets for distributed real-time analytic use cases.

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29 questions
1 answer

Why does Couchbase use so much CPU?

I have very recently installed Couchbase on my server, but it uses a lot of CPU and does a lot of disk IO. As you can see from the images below it is very clear when I installed Couchbase, as the CPU usage has sky-rocketed! CPU usage over 30…
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3 answers

Recover from a corrupted couchbase install

We have a couchbase installation on a Windows 2008 R2 server that got corrupted (this was from before my tenure, now I want to clean it up). There is no add-remove entry in the Programs and Features list. There is no active service in services.msc.…
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Couchbase server is taking too many resources, how to limit them

I'm having issues with the Couchbase resources especially RAM, I know that Couchbase is too aggressive with the CPU usage but I thought that by setting some memory quota for each service is enough so Couchbase don't eat all my memory Right now I…
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Couchbase and sync_gateway on docker

I'm trying to set Couchbase and sync_gateway in docker containers, but I get some weird auth errors when sync_gateway tries to connect the database. Couchbase is running ok on its container, and when I set the sync_gateway to use a GUEST user it's…
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How to correctly size separate index and data disks in Couchbase?

According to this link: And others I've read, it is beneficial to separate the data and index paths. I'm going to be spinning up some new servers on EC2 and I am thinking of creating a separate…
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Couchbase rebalance is not completing

My Development Couchbase server has been stuck rebalancing for 3 days. It has worked its way up to 93% complete on 2 servers and 87% on the last. How does one go about diagnosing and fixing problems like this?
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Upgrade Couchbase fail from 2.0.1 to 2.1.1

I'm having this upgrade issue and I'm not sure how to move forward with it. I have 2 couchbase servers, server 1 and server 2. both in couchbase community 2.0.1. I brought the server 2 down and do the couchbase upgrade to 2.1.1. Upgrade…
Le Dude
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1 answer

Installing couchbase in ubuntu 12.04

I havent been able to start my newly installed couchbase-server_2.0.1. I've spent more that 2 hours trying to get couchbase-server work in my local machine. By the way i'm using Ubuntu 12.04. I tried removing it using this command dpkg -r…
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Port server moxi on node X exited with status Y on Couchbase 1.8.1

I'm getting this error on live servers Win Server 2003 32 bit & 2008 64 bit. Port server moxi on node 'ns_1@' exited with status 3. Restarting. Messages: 2012-09-10 17:13:21: (cproxy_config.c.317) env: MOXI_SASL_PLAIN_USR…
1 answer

How to install cbexport and cbimport on a standalone linux vm to connect to remote couchbase server

I need to use cbexport to export buckets in couchbase and place it in S3. Although I have the credentials to access couchbase I cannot login to the vm on which it is running. So I cannot use the cbexport command available on couchbase vm. Is there a…
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HAProxy, how add variable "dst" (IP client) to option httpchk GET line

I have memcached cluster with couchbase. For balancing using HAProxy. But have problem with check health. For check is good following request: curl -v Response is…
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Couchbase xdcr don't clone view

I'm trying to have a replication by xdcr between 2 nodes in 2 servers, but it happens with 2 bucket in the same server too, with the web interface but at the init of the replication, when i start replication, it doesn't replicate any view.…
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Couchbase XDCR through proxy or NAT

I am trying to set up two clusters of Couchbase with XDCR, one in AWS and one in our client's enterprise network. Normally, for each cluster, I would set up each node using its private IP. But, in order to get XDCR, I need to open up the node at the…
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couchbase nodes remain in pending state and all buckets unhealthy

Problem I have a test setup running Couchbase Server 3.0.3 with one node on a remote server (Windows Server 2012), and one node on my local machine (Windows 8.1). Last time I checked, which was a few days ago, all nodes were up and running with all…
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Docker data volumes with couchbase

I have a docker image that runs Couchbase enterprise 3.0.2 It's in a private repository currently. So lets just say the name of it is: matt/couchbase In order to allow the data to persist should matt/couchbase be removed I created a data only…
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