Questions tagged [memcache]

113 questions
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PHP APC MAJOR Fragmentation Issues?

So I have been using memcached to cache lots of data that was the result of queries to the database. Everything left at default, and on average I stored < 40MB in memcache. I used memcache.php to monitor that. Then I decided to switch over to APC…
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Distributing php-session load on a memcache array

Until recently our setup consisted of 4 web-servers sharing sessions to a single server running memcache. We are hosted on Amazon cloud and had a crash at peak load on 2 consecutive days. The problem was that the memcache service crashed (the load…
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Memcache - Issues in a distributed environment with many nodes

I've had a quick look through the other similarly titled questions and none are particularly similar to the issues I'm currently having. Basically, we've had a multi node memcached ring running for over two years, and for the most part its been…
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Diagnosing a Memcache server with a high cache miss rate

What tools are available to debug a memcache server with a high miss rate (62%)? Ideally I would like to know the keys for the top cache misses, but I would just settle for seeing the keys of live get requests and working it out from there. I have…
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How to restart memcache? Via SSH

Hey i want to restart memcache so i can downgrade my Memory allocated for Memcache from 350MB to 64MB. I am new with SSH can anyone point me on how to restart Memcache or a way to re-allocate the memory for Memcached? Running on Linux CentOS,…
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Memcache on ubuntu server lucid and ruby 1.9.1

I'm trying to set up a memcache server on the above setup. I'm getting the following error: /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-2.3.8/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:443:in `load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant MemCache…
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What causes memcache to delete keys?

Our memcache install recently started removing keys, and we're not sure why. Large groups of keys vanish at the same time. Memcache reports that evictions are low to non-existent, and our app has no way to clear memcache (it can only delete…
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dovecot + memcached, how to?

Does anyone know how to utilize memcached with dovecot (in order to reduce number of MySQL queries)? There is only very basic documentation regarding dovecot's Dictionary: memcached:param=value:param2=value2:... Supported parameters are: host:…
Miloš Đakonović
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How do I debug memcache?

I recently migrated a system from an Ubuntu 12 based four-webserver setup to an Ubuntu 16 three-webserver setup in a new data centre . The system uses memcache for the session handler. The session is used to determine whether a user is logged in or…
Ben Holness
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Is there a memcached memory limit best practice?

Is there a best practice or general rule of thumb when setting the memory limit for memcached? I'm currently running memcached with the default memory limit of 64 megabytes. The server has 8 gigabytes of memory installed out of which only around 512…
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Install memcache php ext on php 5.6

I have php 5.6.6 installed on Amazon Linux. I want to install memcache extension (not memcached server, we use Elasticache). I try # yum install php-pecl-memcache.x86_64 And get the following error: Error: php56-common conflicts with…
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Why is Memcache not starting automatically?

I installed memcache in my CentOS server, and the respective libraries for php as well: Despite having installed both of them, I ended using Memcache $memcache = new Memcache; Since I wanted the memcache service to run automatically after…
Carlos Santos
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Having Memcache and Memcached installed and enabled at the same time

Can I use both Memcache and Memcached php extensions on the same server at the same time? Just to be clear so you dont misunderstand what I mean by this question, here is my scenario: I have both Joomla and phpbb for my website. Joomla provides…
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How do I increase the curr_connections limit using memcache?

I am using a server with Centos 6.5 64 bits Kernel 2.6.32 and 64 GB RAM and 12 threads cores, and I cannot get increase the current connections used in memcache. This is my STATS output: # echo stats | nc 11211 STAT pid 356091 STAT uptime…
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memcache and memcached session not persisting

so I am having a problem with sessions persisting in an application, that is using the memcached php driver, while another existing application is using the memcache driver. On the server, I see both are installed I also see in the php config that…
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