Yikes. I just attempted to enable cache and mem_cache using sudo a2enmod mem_cache and sudo a2enmod cache on my Ubuntu lucid server. Now my apache2 server doesn't respond at all. I tried sudo a2dismod cache and sudo a2dismod mem_cache but now apache does not respond. Tried restarting apache2 and rebooting, but no dice.

sudo apache2ctl fullstatus gives me:

w3m: Can't load http://localhost:80/server-status

Help! What else does a2enmod change that I can revert back?

3 Answers3


Don't use it. They have removed it from Apache HTTPD 2.4. There's no much point in getting an obsolete feature to work.

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Check the actual Apache configuration file, located usually at /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf or /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and check under the Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support section, to make sure everything is kosher.

Make sure the paths are correct, etc.


LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/mod_disk_cache.so

*You may also want to check the mod_cache documentation on Apache's site.*

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After saving my configuration files in /etc/apache2/sites-available, I ended up just purging and reinstalling everything apache using the instructions here. Then I copied back the configuration files, re-enabled my sites and any needed plugins, and restarted apache2. I still don't have memcache working, and I don't know what the problem was, but I'll just wait on attempting to get memcache working as it's not essential for me now.