Questions tagged [mamp]

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use. Because of this, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use.

Because *AMP packages are generally not meant for production use, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

71 questions
2 answers

What is the easiest way to setup a webserver on Mac?

I am looking for the easiest way to run a webserver with Drupal on Mac. MAMP PRO is a nice solution but some people say that it is for the local usage only. Can it be used as a full-scale webserver? What would you recommend for an easy auto-backup…
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3 answers

How to upgrade PHP to 5.3 on latest MAMP

I've been struggling with this for quit a while... Googling all sorts of things has brought up anything useful so far. I have MAMP 1.8.4 install on my MBP running snow leopard - i want to upgrade to PHP to 5.3 to fit to my new job's working…
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2 answers

Apache 2.4 ignoring basic authentication

I'm currently searching a solution to re-enable basic authentication with .htpasswd file in Apache 2.4. Everything was ok using Apache 2.2 and then I upgraded to MAMP Pro 6.4 that implements Apache 2.4. The authentication is now just ignored. I…
0 answers

Best software and practices on how to test a static website locally with URL rewrites

I recently switched from Apache to Nginx on my production server. My websites have internal links URLs that are rewritten. When I was using Apache, my URL rewrite rules for my websites (HTML/CSS/PHP/JS) were in .htaccess files in the websites…
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1 answer

after installing MAMP and coping WordPress in htdocs file trying to go to localhost:888/wordpress gives me error

so after installing MAMP and coping WordPress in htdocs file trying to go to localhost:888/wordpress as all videos on youtube shows it should take me to my dashboard but instead gives me error: This site can’t be reached/localhost refused to…
1 answer

How to restore Mysql database from .frm and .ibd files on localhost

I have a VPS server that was hosting a WordPress that has crashed and I think must be deleted. No backups were made. I managed to setup a rescue mode and salvage WP site data via FTP. Because Mysql server cannot be started or reinstalled in this…
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1 answer

How do you upgrade the MYSQL version that Mamp Pro uses?

I'm currently using Mamp Pro for a local dev environment on Mac OSX Mountain Lion. Ideally I'd like to update the version of mysql. How do you upgrade the MYSQL version that Mamp Pro uses?
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1 answer

How to set up Drupal Plugin Manager on MAMP in a secure way?

I use MAMP PRO as global webserver. First of all, is it a good idea? Secondly, my objective is to run a Drupal website with as easy management as possible. Now I want to use Plugin Manager module to install additional modules and themes for my…
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2 answers

Multiple websites on the same network

I'd like to set up a series of local development servers using the same IP address and different domain names, although I'm not sure about how to set it all up. I created the following domains, - all these…
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3 answers

Why can't other computers access my web server on

I'm trying to setup a a virtual host on a machine in my office I've added urs.local to the hosts file, and added this to config NameVirtualHost ServerName localhost
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1 answer

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server after mysql upgrade

I was running mamp on el capitan 10.11.3. I decided to update mysql to version 5.7.11, so I ran this: tar xfvz mysql-5.7* echo "stopping mamp" sudo /Applications/MAMP/bin/ sudo killall httpd mysqld echo "creating backup" sudo rsync -a…
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