Questions tagged [mamp]

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use. Because of this, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

MAMP is a pre-packaged solution that installs Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl on OS X with minimal configuration. The default settings are generally insecure and most *AMP packages are meant for development and not production use.

Because *AMP packages are generally not meant for production use, you should refer to the faq before asking questions about MAMP and verify that your question is actually on-topic before you ask it.

71 questions
1 answer

Issue with virtual hosts in Mac OSX Lion with MAMP

I'm having issues connecting my virtual hosts. Here's my code. Is there anything missing here? In httpd.conf NameVirtualHost * ServerName site1.local DocumentRoot "/Users/Dan/Dropbox/Websites/www/site1" In…
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Python with mamp

I have a MAMP 1.9 install on Lion and would like to start using python with it. Mainly to learn and develop django sites. I am very new to python in general. In my research I found that I either need mod_python or mod_wsgi to make it work. But found…
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turning my dynamic IP into a static one using a VPS?

I'm doing development with MAMP on OSX and need to get around a problem I'm having due to my dynamic IP. I'm using a payment API which has an IP whitelist even for development calls and I keep having to get the client to update their whitelist every…
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2 answers

How to stop only the Mysql server in MAMP PRO?

I need to stop Mysql server in MAMP PRO and keep Apache running. How can I do that ? There is a stop button available but it stops all services.
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MAMP MySQL won't start

I uninstalled MAMP completely, downloaded fresh copy of MAMP 2 from the MAMP website, did a clean install. However, when I try to start mysql, I get the following error log 111120 21:37:49 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from…
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2 answers

Hosts file map localhost to existing domain not subdirectory* updated

I am locally developing a website via MAMP and rather than messing with the changing all of my links and etc later on I opened up etc/hosts and added this line localhost so that my site thinks it has the domain…
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Virtual Host Joomla and MAMP

I have been trying for some time now to set up a virtual host for the new Intranet we are putting in at my organization. It is on a separate server from the one running our website. I have set up the Intranet using MAMP and Joomla on a Mac OSX…
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MAMP PRO - "Network Error (dns_server_failure)" when setting up VHosts

I'm trying to set up a virtual host locally on MAMP PRO; I've done this before on other machines and it worked like a charm. This time, however, when I try to point my browser to the path defined in MAMP PRO, I get a "dns_server_failure". I feel…
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PHP MAMP email stopped sending

I'm working on a simple registration email. I'm using MAMP (free) with PHP. I was getting emails from my code before. Now I get nothing. Here is a test code that doesn't send the email either.
Kyle Parisi
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Can't get PDO MySQL driver to work on PHP

Trying to install Vanilla 2 locally using MAMP i got the error: "You must have the MySQL driver for PDO enabled in order for Vanilla to connect to your database". When I check phpinfo() I…
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2 answers

MAMP Apache server suddenly stopped working - no errors in the logs

It worked fine and then it just stopped working. version 1.9.4
1 answer

access localhost stopped working after I installed MAMP

I had configured my machine all access localhost I need some accessed "http://*," * - I put the names of some projects and instances. I needed to run a PHP server and installed MAMP Pro, but after I ran the php server can't access…
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MAMP on mac with existing mysql server

I am facing some issue in getting MAMP work with existing mysql database on my mac? Sometimes the problem is permission, sometimes it is not able to find the problem or something else. I will be more specific once I get answers to the following…
2 answers

MAMP & Command Line Interface -- PATH on MAC OS X

I have MAMP installed on my Mac for use as a localhost development environment. Previously, I used the already-installed PHP and my own install of MySQL, but I want to move to MAMP because I think it'll make things easier in the long run. My…
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Running simple cron on MAMP

How can I get http://localhost:8888/site_name/index.php to run every 30 min until I manually stop it (edit the cron file)? This is on a Mac running MAMP. I know how to set one up using the wizard in a cpanel but have never done this on MAMP before.
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