Questions tagged [magento]

Magento is an open source e-commerce web application.

enter image description here

Magento is an open source e-commerce web application. It was built using the Framework and stores data by using the entity-attribute-value (EAV) database model.

The Magento Community Edition is the free version of Magento.



228 questions
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Installing PDO and other PHP extensions for magento

I have a server and i was using php files on it. For some reason i had to reinstall apache on it. My files and my SQL database is still there. Now after fresh installation of Apache, when i run my php website i get PDO NOT INSTALLED error. So if now…
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How to Enable geoip on magento with varnish page cache

I currently have 3 stores online with 3 different domains, running magento with Apache and varnish (using Phoenix page cache extension) running on centos One store is for uk, another for Ireland and another for USA Trouble is (Example) If an US…
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Can I use Varnish to front 2 different services from different servers on 1 domain?

I've been futzing around with getting this set up however I don't know if Varnish supports what I am trying to do: I have a server (ec2) thats running Nginx/Magento for ecommerce (www.domain/) On the same server, in a subdirectory of Magento, I…
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Explain to me why this configuration redirects by apache

I was finally able to duplicate my Magento store and now i'm able to develop in/with git. The Copy is stored in /var/ So i thought i duplicate my apache/site-available/shop to in the same folder, change the configuration from…
Harrys Kavan
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2 answers

Amazon - install a complete server on EBS

is it possible to install a full working OS with a webserver, db, and all needed stuff on an EBS storage? If so, would I immediatly gain benefits by mounting this EBS on a better instance? Otherwise (if I cannot install a complete image, or if you…
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Magento runs too slow and almost dead

pasted below is the results of running iostat -x 10 10 (a command to look at disk performance): avg-cpu: %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle 0.32 0.00 0.17 29.31 0.00 70.19 Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s …
1 answer

Magento installation problem on Nginx in Windows

I am trying to install magento locally using nginx as the web server instead of Apache. I copied the magento folder to the html directory. When i try to call the magento folder, I get the 404 not found error. I am able to access other php files…
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Feedback request: Linode for Magento hosting?

i install and customize a self made application for web pages which uses spring+jstl and the admin uses flex. Also i want to add to my offers an ecommerce cms, so i have decided to start with magento. I'm using daily razor vps, however i was…
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How two different applications should get served using one single apache2 virtualhost configuration

Just for assumption here which is my php application and is python application I have following settings in my apache site config file /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf
2 answers

How much does httpd_can_network_connect being set to 1 actually open up on SELinux

I am getting the following SELinux denied lines in my log file when I attempt to redirect a user to Paypal to checkout. Would you please help me understand what it means and what exceptions I should add to SELinux to allow these? type=AVC…
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Install php 5.6.5 in ubuntu 16.04

I need help in installing php 5.6.5 in my ubuntu 16.04 for my Magento 2.1 website. I tried installing php through these commands: sudo apt-get -y update sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get -y update apt-get -y install php5.6…
Jai U.
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Apache Server Compatibility with PCI

I do not know if this is a proper place to ask, so please help me with this one. Question: I want to know whether Apache web server is compatible with PCI Compliant Payment environment.
Dushyant Joshi
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How to Specify which URLs have HTTP Authentication with NGINX

In my nginx configuration file I have successfully created HTTP Authentication for the whole website while it's under development. root /var/www/staging/; auth_basic "Restricted website - authorised access only"; auth_basic_user_file…
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2 answers

Website is down and unable to login via SSH / Putty on Ubuntu 14.04 x64 Digitalocean

I have a Magento website on and I am unable to login via SSH or SFTP. Almost every alternate day I'm facing this problem and I have to restart my droplet via digitalocean account to make website working. Few days ago it was giving…
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Why is magento so slow on Windows 10?

When i install magento 2 on my Windows 10 WAMP/XAMPP, it runs so slow. Is this some general problem of Magento with Windows? My laptop has 8GB RAM, 2x2.7 GHZ, 500GB HDD, 512MB VRAM. Also same is on PC's at my office who has 8GB RAM and SSD, also on…
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