Questions tagged [locking]

46 questions
1 answer

MySQL INSERTs on a database table block SELECTS in another database and in another table

I am using MySQL 5.1 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Machine with 8GB RAM. I am updating 2 databases weekly. Both databases consist of MyISAM tables, and I run a script which performs the necessary INSERTs (No UPDATEs/DELETEs) into some tables (The…
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Trouble overwritting a locked EXE

Running into an issue that I've been banging my head against for a while now. We use a shared executable located on a network share. It's an in house system and we occasionally update it. Recently we started running into issues where the EXE is…
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Lockfile creation failed

I got a plain-text logfile (not lock file) in /var/log what I cannot open with: lockfile creation failed: exceeded maximum number of lock attempts I wonder what causes this and how can I unlock it without rebooting the server or other drastic…
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Excel file on Windows client, is it possible to allow another user read-only if the file is already open?

I have a spreadsheet on a Windows 2003 R2 server. The clients are all Windows 7 using Excel 2010. If a remote user opens the spreadsheet first then any other "local" user gets access denied if they try to open the file afterwards. By "remote" I mean…
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Websphere shutdown not releasing database locks

Sometimes when shutting down Websphere there are database locks not released. As a result, when WAS is restarted nobody can work because of these locks, that must be removed manually by the DBA. It's a Java web application, transactions are XA and…
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iSCSI and NFS file locking and concurrency

I've got a linux host that need to mount a data share located on a NAS. The choice is between NFS v3 (NAS limitation) and iSCSI. The initial idea was to have a NFS mount to the file server that provide the samba mount points to the rest of the…
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file locking problems with recent Samba versions (from DOS/Clipper under XP)

we have several DOS applications (Clipper) which share dbase files on a file server. The applications run under XP. This has worked for about two decades with Netware and for years with Samba (member server) without problems. Some weeks ago I…
Hauke Laging
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3 answers

Apache / PHP Begins to Deny SQL Requests after about 2000

We have a web page on our server that we use to run administrative scripts. For example, we might run the script "unenrolStudents()" which runs 5,000 SQL SET commands one after another and sets 5000 student entries in an SQL database to…
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Locking does not work with SVN (64 bit)

We are using Subversion to manage a big project. Everyone normally has to lock a file before they can modify it. There are several new new machines with Windows 7, SVN (64 bit) and this directive in the config file: ** = svn:needs-lock=true *.* =…
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Increase simultaneous connections with apache2

How can I increase the number of simultaneous connections in apache2? I'm using a javascript application that polls the server regularly and I'm trying to prevent clients from getting locked out. I know I should switch to a non-locking webserver,…
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Can you recommend a reliable file copying program that deals with file locking?

I'm looking for a file copying utility (for Windows) that will take into account file locking in the destination folder. The situation is we have multiple shares on multiple servers where our applications run. Users often leave the applications…
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Column locking in innodb?

I know this sounds weird, but apparently one of my columns is locked. select * from table where type_id = 1 and updated_at < '2010-03-14' limit 1; select * from table where type_id = 3 and updated_at < '2010-03-14' limit 10; the first one would…
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How can i see what is locking up a table?

Possible Duplicate: “Delete query” not able to be completed I am trying to delete a single row from the db, but it is not completing,even in 20 minutes.There is no other queries locking up the db. I suspect it is some "leftover" lock from…
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Mysql- “FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK” started automatically

I would like to understand how this happened. I was running a query that would take a long time, but should not lock up any table. However, my dbs were practically down - it seems like it was being locked up by "FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK" 03:21:31…
2 answers

How to control start and stop of libvirtd and virtlockd in pacemaker cluster?

Using indirect locks of virtlockd (which is used by libvirtd) requires to use a cluster-wide shared filesystem like OCFS2. In turn this means that virtlockd must be started after the shared filesystem is mounted (otherwise the locks created would be…
U. Windl
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